Wednesday, October 20, 2010

{What's Going On}

To say it has been a while would be an understatement, no?  I've thought of a thousand different things to blog about and just never make the time.  How is it I have so little time?  I feel like I am always chasing my tail and really never accomplish anything.  I've whined about this so much I know you are as tired of hearing it as I am typing it.  So EVS.  We move on.

The kids and I joined my parents, Biz and Charlie on a terrific and glorious beach trip a couple of weeks ago.  Ellie asked if we could call Daddy and Tim and have them come down and then just live there.  Yep.  That pretty much summed it up.

I didn't bother getting out my camera because Biz had her extremely sophisticated camera with her, however I have yet to see a single shot taken from said sophisticated camera so I finally uploaded some pics I took with my phone.  So pathetic.  (Get on it Biz!)

On the way down, Charlie got all 'hood on us.

When we got to the beach, Ellie was cautious.  Mason refused to get within 10 feet of the water.  Ellie held my hand and after about 2.5 seconds, she was in the water.  It took Mason about 3 minutes.  This picture was taken about 5 minutes post arrival.  There was this cool sandbar that the kids called "Our Island".  The water was more clear than I have ever seen it and so calm it was like a lake!

Mason tried on Nana's glasses.  Ellie took a swim in the pool.  We actually spent a surprisingly little amount of time at the pool.

Charlie made a few beach appearances.  It's tough with all the paparazzi.

We got up early one morning and hunted for shells.  The kids were impressed, I was not.  When I was little I used to find TONS of shells on this very same beach.  What happened?

They got all geared up for the big Auburn vs. Kentucky game.  War Eagle!

We had a great time.  It was so relaxing.  Then we came home.  Bleh.

Big family news is that Biz is no longer working.  She and Charlie are chilling at home.  I am absolutely, insanely jealous.  I mean, the van wasn't bad enough and now this!  The bright side for me is that Ellie no longer has to go to the after-school program.  

If I'm being honest, after-school was pretty much my most unfavorite thing about her starting school.  I hated it.  The program was fine.  The supervisors were great and they did tons of fun things.  But it just made for such a long day.  And she was in there with kids all the way up to 6th grade.  And she reported that one of her good friends in after-school was Sheila, a 4th grader.  


So yeah, not a big fan of after-school.  But those days are over and I am eternally grateful, once again, to my fabulous sister.  Even though I am also incredibly jealous.

And Charlie is no longer at school with me everyday and I pretty much HATE IT.  He grew so much last week and now he thinks he is going to crawl. He is getting SO BIG.

And I am so so so incredibly over the moon happy for my sister to be with him all day every day!

We had Ellie's first parent teacher conference yesterday.  She makes us so proud!  She is doing great in school.  Her teacher said that most days she worries about her job security with Ellie in her room.  I'm not sure if that is good or bad.

They want to test Ellie for the kindergarten version of the gifted and talented program.  Again, I am just so proud of her.  Her love of learning is incredible.  She'd rather do homework or workbooks than pretty much anything.  I hope she always loves school this much!


My baby will be three on Saturday.  THREE YEARS OLD.  Unreal.  His wishlist is pretty small:  "A BIG 'piderman and a schlinky like Ellie's".  

We made a trip to Toys R Us to try to find a few more things he might like to add to the list and he found this:


So a big 'piderman it is!

I'm excited about the weekend.  Mason's birthday, a trip to a local Orchard/ Pumpkin patch, Bizfest 2010 and Brandon's dad and step-mom are coming to celebrate with us on Sunday.

Life is crazier right now than it has ever been for our family.  It's something I'll talk about here later.  Just know, life is nuts.  But we'll survive.  It's not bad.  Once the craziness is over, it's gonna be great!  And I'll even tell you about it if we are friends.  But say a little prayer for us!