Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Week In Review

1. My house may actually be finished before Mason leaves fro college. This week has been a BIG week. The walls have been primed, trim work has started, we {finally} finalized our flooring choices, all the concrete work is complete as of today. We did stamped concrete on the front walk and then I added a small concrete patio in the back that is also stamped. I really like the look of it. After much deliberation, I settled on colors for the paint. I didn't want to get too mish moshy but I didn't want to be extremely plain either. I am happy with the way everything has turned out. {and actually right now, we only have tinted primer on the walls!} The only person who is somewhat disappointed in the paint is Ellie. We {I} picked a color for her room called Ballerina. Ellie has ALWAYS said she wanted a pink room so I obliged her with the palest pink I could find that the lady at the paint store assured me would not be Pepto pink. But with only the primer on the walls, Ellie insists it is NOT Ballerina. I've promised it will get "pinker".

2. I had to explain the Blood Mobile on the way to school today. Ellie saw it in traffic next to us and asked if it was a school bus. No of course didn't satisfy her so I found myself trying to explain to a 4 year old why anyone would want to get a needle stuck into their arm and give their blood away. After my explanation I asked if it made sense and she said it did. Then she added "That's not for kids." We agreed that donating blood was only for adults. I am fairly sure the Red Cross agrees with us as well. KUDOS to all those who give blood. {Like my Uncle Ted who at one time was the biggest giver in Warren County!} It is a wonderful thing. But I just can't bring myself to do it. And what an odd conversation to have with my daughter!

3. Mason finally has some long pants! My poor child. I'm not sure where my brain has been but the weather in Ken Tuck turned out pretty chilly this week and Mason has worn shorts with a long sleeve shirt for the past two days! {not to mention that my almost 2 year old has worn size 9 MONTHS shorts all summer} I got out all his jeans and long pants from the spring only to find that while they still fit great in the waist, they were capri length! I finally made it to the store today and bought a few pairs of jeans that hopefully will fit in both the waist and length. I fear he will be just like his Daddy {and me believe it or not} and be three times as long as he is wide. Tomorrow will be a trip to Target to get some new PJs since the ones I put on Ellie tonight are about 4 inches too short as well. Kids grow too fast!

4. Mason's teachers tell me that they are AMAZED at this language and how well he talks. GUSH! He has started singing in the car and it just cracks me up. A week or so ago, Ellie requested her favorite "Loves Looking Good on You" by Lady Antebellum. So we cranked it up and I had BOTH of them singing as loud as they could in the backseat. It cracked me up and made me a little misty all at the same time. It gave me just a glimpse of them growing up and neither of them being a baby anymore.

5. Thank goodness I will soon have another baby to cuddle so it won't be such a hard hit that Mason is getting to be such a big boy. It looks like the due date is around April 20! Can you believe it?

6. I am going to be an aunt!!!! Biz is pregnant!!! Every time I think about it I just get so. freaking. excited! Oh didn't think #5 was about me, did you????

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Loose at All Ends

Yesterday morning I got a call at 7 am from the vet's office. They had found my debit card. The one I lost in June. The one I had just written off as completely in the land of lost things because I really had zero clue where it might be. I had called the vet when I realized it was lost, but they said they didn't have it. It surprised me. I had every excuse to lose the thing there since I had two kids and three dogs and was trying to get meds and pay for the dogs and it was pretty chaotic. Turns out, there was a tiny slit in their countertop in which the card fell. Another customer also lost her card in the slit but she actually watched it fall so when they took the counter apart Monday night, they found my long since cancelled card.
Sometimes I feel like my life is just a shambles and I am loose at all ends. Like if my head wasn't screwed on....ok you know the rest. I was off yesterday and had some appointments in Nashville. I stopped at a gas station on my way home to get gas. Evidently when I slipped my card into my pocket, I dropped it. Right as we were going to bed last night, I noticed we had a message. It was the bank. The lady who found my card called the bank and told them she was taking it inside the gas station to the manager. {BLESS THAT WOMAN!} Brandon was just beyond thrilled because he evidently doesn't make mistakes {If you know this is not true, please email me and I will do a post specifically about all Brandon's mistakes!}
I decided that I really would not have a good day without my card being in my possession so the kids and I hit the road to Franklin this morning before coming to school. I found the manager and explained what had happened. He couldn't find my card. It wasn't in the place where they keep the cards that get turned in. {Because this is evidently a chronic problem!} So I gave him my number and he promised to call me when he got in touch with the night manager. I hit I-65 to BG and {of course!} 15 minutes into the 20 minute drive, the guy calls and says he found it. With all that confusion, I was not chancing him not being there this afternoon so I went BACK to the station and got the card. {he actually didn't even ID me which was somewhat troubling} SO after 1 1/2 hours in the car, I have my card in my possession. PTL! {Praise the Lord}
I had a doctor's appointment in Nashville yesterday so I made it a twofer and went to look at flooring. I am so overwhelmed with flooring choices! Carpet it easy so we were able to select that. Hardwood= not so easy. We want handscraped/ distressed floors. And I think we want solid wood. But Lord have mercy there are so many to chose from! I need some help. I am in panic mode about this. As in I think about it every waking minute and I may not sleep until it is settled.
We need to take some pics. The drywall should be complete this week and painting will start next week. WOOT!
Some other exciting news is that I tested a design for a girl who sells appliqué designs this week. When someone creates a new design, it has to be tested to be sure it stitches out correctly. I tested a really cute little ghost. I am hoping it will become a new gig. The website is Embroidery Boutique. I buy 90% of my designs from her because her stuff is so cute and simple. As the house completion nears, I am trying to think about getting back into more sewing. I love it so much but our house has just not been conducive to dragging out all my sewing stuff. In the new house, I will have my own space that I can organize and be able to get more done. Not having to use the entire kitchen and our bedroom to sew will be awesome!

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Here is a link to some of Brandon's Africa pictures. I am hoping to get a few framed. I'm having a hard time deciding on my favorites so post comments on your favorites to help me narrow it down!

Africa Pics

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

What About Bob?

My sister had an imaginary friend when she was little. {I hope she doesn't mind my sharing. It's not a national secret} Her name was Carol. I remember setting a place at the dinner table for Carol. And I remember the morning we were at Seagrove Beach and we all got up and Biz announced that Carol was gone. GONE? "She just got on her tricycle and rode to California!" I still remember the way she said it. It reminds me of another cute little girl I know with an imaginary friend.
Have you heard about Bob? Bob is Ellie's Spouse? I'm not sure how to classify him. Bob showed up when Ellie was about two years old. He is her "baby's daddy" in her words. And she means this literally. When she was two, she didn't have "husband" in her vocabulary so she called him by what he literally was to her. Although it still baffles me that she has an imaginary husband. It makes her sound kind of fast, but I assure you she is NOT.
Bob is an excellent dad. He OFTEN has the baby. Like way more than most men I know. He takes the baby to school. He fixes dinner for her and gets up at night with her. Bob is a great eater. He loves vegetables. Bob isn't troublesome at all. We've never set a place for him at the table or had to be careful not to sit on him or anything like that. The only time I thought things might be taking a turn for the worse was the day Ellie came into the bathroom while I was showering and said "Mama? Can Bob take a shower?" I just said "He'll have to wait until I am finished." That was fine with Bob and that was all I heard about it.
Then there was the time that Brandon told Ellie they could go see Bob's house in a passing conversation one evening. We got ready to sit down to dinner and Ellie had a COMPLETE AND TOTAL breakdown because she wanted to go see Bob's yellow house and I am not sure Brandon had even realized he told her they could do that. Brandon being Daddy of the Year said "Ok, come on. You show me where it is." They drove the country version of a block (about 3 miles in a circle) and came on home. Ellie pointed out a house that was "Bob's". Then when Ellie came in our house she said "Mama, Bob doesn't really have a house. I just wanted to go for a ride."
I hear about Bob every day. On the way to school or home from school, Ellie always has some Bob story to tell me. She is exclusive about who she talks to about Bob: Brandon, Nana, Biz and I are in the "Bob Club".
Biz and Nana have become concerned. Biz went so far as to tell Ellie that Bob wasn't real. {Yes, the girl who had her own imaginary friend!} Ellie said "Mama? Do you know what Biz said about Bob?" "What Ellie?" "Biz said Bob isn't real and he is." Hmmm....this is a Mama test...So we talked some about Bob and his realness vs. his imaginary-ness. We agreed that he was real to Ellie but in reality {as in to everyone else}, he was just pretend. Sometimes I actually get a bit alarmed. So almost weekly we go over it again. "Ellie, is Bob real?" She always confirms that he is just pretend.
I know one day Bob will fade away or abruptly leave {like Carol}. Honestly, I think that will be one. sad. day. because it will mean Ellie is too old for things like imaginary friends. So for now, I will listen carefully to all the stories about Bob and his mom and his chicken farm and how well he takes care of the baby. I actually wish I could record every conversation!
Finally, to reassure Nana and Biz even further, I found this article {click on the word article, Nana}that I found on another blog I read. An imaginary friend is a sign of a healthy imagination!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Lions and Tigers...or Cheetahs...

The week has not gone nearly as bad as I was afraid it would. I adore my kids. But two {almost} straight weeks of being a single mom seemed pretty daunting. Last week was a bit hairy as no one slept and Mason got sick. This week has been pretty smooth sailing. Everyone is in a good mood and has slept every night. {KNOCK on wood!}Ellie has asked a few times a day "What time is it where Daddy is? What is he doing?" And Mason went to the globe the other night and pointed to Australia and said "Dis whe we live." then pointed to Europe and said "Dis whe Daddy is." Ok, not quite sweetie but at least you are listening when I give the geography lessons!
Brandon called yesterday. He's having a good time and the things he is seeing sound amazing. I am glad I will be able to re-live it with him through pictures. Yesterday, he drove through a Rhinoceros breeding facility that had rhinos, lions and cheetahs. It was feeding time so he got to see them feed half a HORSE to the lions! And he said he was very close. Actually when he first started talking about it I thought "Why is that any better than the zoo?" Then he told me the horse part! PE.TA would have a fit, huh?
I am still working on my frugality. I told ya'll I have found a ton of great blogs. Before I get to that, do you use google reader? YOU SHOULD! You can enter the web addresses of blogs or frequently updated websites that you follow and google reader brings them all together in one place where you can read them and have the option of clicking a link to the page. I love it!
So back to the blogs I have been frequenting. Here are a few:
My Frugal Adventures
Krazy Coupon Lady
Stretching a Buck
The New Frugal Mom

This week I will tell you about my first adventure in the great deals that can be found at Walgreens. Here is some information that is pretty useful: Walgreens Basics I haven't figured it all out and I kind of messed up today by not presenting my coupons in exactly the right order, but I still got great deals. Here's what I got:
4 boxes of general mills cereal
2 bags of Chex Mix
1 big Glade soy candle
1 Aquafresh ISO Active
TOTAL: $7.34!!!!
{I wish I had a camera to take a pic of all I bought because I think it's always more impressive to see it all laid out, but Brandon took the camera so just draw yourself a picture!}
I had coupons and I also earned some register rewards and used those. I still have $11 left to use! I should add that I also bought some medication stuff (Zyrtec and Motrin) I am not counting this as out of pocket expenses because I paid with my flexible spending account, BUT I earned $10 register rewards with that too! Read these websites! There is some great info and it really doesn't take much time to save a lot!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

I'm A Frugal Wannabe

Here's a little secret: My greatest desire is to be a SAHM (stay at home mom). There are so many reason I think this would be a good thing. Ok, sure, you are thinking "Who wouldn't want to quit their job and stay home?" (and if you are thinking that, you also have no clue what life is like at home all day with a four year old and almost two year old!) I have had the great pleasure of having a really wonderful job AND being able to bring my kids with me to my job every day. I can simply walk down the hall and check on them. And on slow days, I may even spend a little time hanging out with them in their classroom. It's been a comfort to leave them in the caring hands of people who I know and trust. It's also been wonderful to be able to see them throughout the day. I have truly had the best of both worlds. But I have great aspirations!
When I was growing up, my mom would ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up and I would ALWAYS reply "A Wife and a Mama." This was not just my reply when I was little. This was my reply when I was in high school and even college! My mom would tell me that having a family was a dream. She would say that being a Mama would be life but I needed to think about a career. And this one time, I have to say my mom was wrong. See, my mom stayed home with us. She did not go to college and she wanted to be sure that Biz and I did "more" with our lives. I understand where she was coming from. I certainly don't regret my education or my career to this point, but I see great value in my "job" being my family.
My life right now is hectic. I work full time. I have a "career" and I do love my job and the work I do for children and families, but I feel like I am often giving too much of myself to other people's children and families and leaving very little of myself for my own family. Brandon travels often. {Denmark two weeks ago, Mexico this week, South Africa next week and Chile in about three weeks.} He is typically gone 2-3 weeks a month. I have two small kids. I go back and forth between thinking I am lame and pitiful that I can't get it together and deal and thinking I have it HARD. I guess I am really somewhere in the middle. I know people have it much worse, but my life is no piece of cake.
I am {mostly} past the days of calling in reinforcements every time Brandon is out of town. I have mastered the art of getting something {fairly} nutritious on the table, feeding two kids, bathing two kids AND assisting them both in getting out of the tub and in their jammies. {This is actually more complicated than it sounds!} They can now help with feeding three dogs and two cats and I am kinda over wondering if all 22 cows are still in the fence. My days go something like this: Rise at 5:30, get myself ready and pray both kids stay asleep until I am done {if they don't, my getting ready routine is constantly interrupted with "Can you fix my waffle? can you get me some milk? will you turn the tv on? Mason is hitting me. And that often causes us to be late.}, get both kids up and dressed and pray that Ellie won't throw a fit about not eating breakfast at home {they feed them at school}. Get them in the car by 7:15, make the 30-45 minute drive to work. Work a pretty stressful job at which I have a lot of responsbility. Leave work at 4:30 {if all is going well} and make the same drive home with two hungry, thirsty and tired kids. Try to get something together for dinner. Feed the "livestock". Feed the children. Bathe the children. Entertain the children. Get the children to bed. Clean the house and kitchen and get myself to bed {hopefully before 11, but often not until much later}. Somehow, Brandon being out of town always seems to make said children have sleep issues so I can always count on someone waking in the night. {at least they usually take turns} And right now we are doing all of this in a one bathroom, one closet, 800 sq foot house. Good times.
I make good money and we are so blessed with all we have, but I want MORE. I want to cook good dinners for my picky kids so they will learn to like more things. I want to have a cleaner, neater more organized home. I want to be able to fit more quality time in with my kids and spend less time saying "honey I don't have time for that, I have to get this laundry done". And I want to spend FAR less time saying "Come on! We are LATE!" I want to be home when Ellie gets off the bus next year and I want to be able to volunteer at her school. I want to be able to take some stress off Brandon by being able to do more yard work and have his clothes clean and folded and put away when he is packing for a trip instead of living out of laundry baskets or or {gasp} out of the dryer!
Brandon is skeptical. He absolutely agrees on all points that me staying home would be a great thing for our family. But I am a spender. And Brandon is the family financial advisor. I've told him all my great plans to save money, menu plan, coupon clip, sew to make extra money, and shop consignment sales for the kids. But the proof is in the pudding, right? So I am going frugal.
I'm starting with groceries. {meaning food, toiletries, and cleaning supplies} I am clipping coupons, printing coupons, using electronic coupons and shopping sales. I have found TONS of great blogs that actually make it pretty simple to save by telling you where the best sales are and what coupons to use. I am doing my best to stay out of the major department store that starts with a wal and ends in a mart. There are many reasons for this, but I find that I spend so much more when I see a bin of water bottles for $1. {who could pass that up, really?} When I go to a simple grocery store, I don't even think about perusing the kids clothing section or running by the shoe department. I think this one step alone will be helpful in savings.
I have more steps I want to take like meal planning and frugal Christmas and Birthdays. I also want to start sewing again and I would really love to grow that business. It may take a while, but I am really serious about this. I'm going to start trying to share all the great deals I find here. This week I spent $80 at Kroger and saved $70! That's pretty amazing to me! At this point, I have no set time of when I would like to finalize this plan, but I really am committed to this! So here's to frugality!
I started typing this post yesterday. Mid-post, I saved it and went to talk to a teacher in the gym while Mason's class was in there. I walked in to find Mason sitting on a tricycle and thought he was just sitting there...until he took off PEDALING. KNIFE IN MY HEART! I had no idea he could pedal a bike!!! And he can pedal backwards and forwards. And I missed it.
Last night, Mason woke up at 12 am throwing up. Brandon is out of town. So at 12 am, I had to strip Mason, strip his bed, start a load of laundry in the wash and clean up the rest of the mess. All the while, Mason SCA REEMED. Poor baby has never had a stomach bug before. At two am when he threw up for the third time, I broke down in silent tears. So today I am using my last sick day until November. This sucks! The good news is Mason is tired, but hasn't had any more "episodes" since about 3 am. I'm exhausted> Biz took Ellie to school so here's hoping she doesn't come down with it agian (she was sick last Friday!)
Anyway...ya'll have a good holiday weekend!