Friday, April 24, 2009

I Live In A Zoo

Yesterday Ellie and I took all three dogs to the vet for their annual exams. Biz was nice enough to take Mason on to school for me. I figured Ellie would be no trouble and possibly even some help. And of course when she got wind of the appointment, there was no way she was going to accept no. So we loaded up and off we went.

Ellie and Jack

Getting in to the vet's office was no biggie. Ellie took Jack's leash because I knew he'd go right along with her and not pull. Callie did fine as well. And sweet Lucy...well...let's just say she was a bit excited and nearly tripped me about 50 times. I delivered them to the caring hands of Dr. Pat. He talked to me about Callie's surgery to get her spayed. (Let's face it: the last thing I need is a litter of puppies) And finally, Ellie and I were off to school. Painless.
Then we went to pick everyone up. The dogs were much more anxious to get home than they were to get to the vet. Callie came out first. Stumbling. DRUNK! SO I got her in the truck and the vet tech came out with the other two to help me get them in the truck. I get them all loaded and realize I haven't paid or gotten any meds. So I roll the windows down and run back in and say "I forgot to pay!" There was a lady in there with her TWO chihuahua. She had on pearls and perfectly coiffed hair. She actually may have had a cardigan draped over her shoulders. So she looks at me and says "HOW do you handle THREE BIG DOGS???" and I laugh and say "And two kids! Not very well!!!" Ok, not the answer she was expecting? Then I really stun her with "OK, is leaving your dogs in the car at the vet like leaving your kids in the car at daycare???" Hmm...tough crowd. So I go on to explain that we live on a big farm and the dogs live outside. Crickets. Alrighty....I am guessing that this lady is one of the people who believe that if you "make" your dogs live outside, you must not love them. I tried the "We have a lot of land. They love to run and play." but she was not picking up what I was putting down. Oh. Well.

Baby Lucy (September '07)

All the dogs are well. Callie's surgery went fine. The dogs were all COVERED in ticks (good thing I didn't share this with my Chihuahua friend!). Pat said that he starts seeing ticks in February??? So we bought plenty of Frontline. Be sure to treat your pets for fleas and ticks! And don't forget to spay and neuter your pets. Thank you and good night.
All three dogs hanging out at the house site and the only pic I could find of Callie! I guess the third dog is always the least photoed?

Monday, April 20, 2009

This is for Jon

I was told last week that I need to update my this is for you Jon! Yes, I realize it has been a while. We had about 11 days of sickness with both kids having the flu and then getting "secondary infections" caused the the flu. Brandon was traveling so I had to call in the grandparent ranks and thankfully my parents helped. I think I am down to ONE sick day until October 31. So keep your fingers crossed!
Things have been pretty much status quo at our house. There has been a LOT of work on the house and here is a link:
Contrary to what I thought when it was just staked out before any work had started, it is a really really nice size. I spent the weekend brainstorming how to arrange my kitchen. I don't like the design that the architect used and I think I have it all figured out. I want plenty of counter space. That seems to be what every kitchen it most short on and I want plenty of it! I love to cook and I think I should have a kitchen that makes it easy!
The kids spent Saturday night at my parents so that Brandon and I could go to some friends for the pay-per-view UFC fight. Obviously, I was only there to socialize! Unfortunately, both kids woke up Sunday morning with runny noses. Here's hoping it will pass and not turn into something.
I am extremely busy at work. But really, who wants to talk about that? I am very happy that spring seems to have sprung! Ellie reports that she is glad too because it means it's almost her birthday. The concept of seasons isn't something she's completely grasped yet. She knows summer comes after spring and she knows her birthday is in the summer. So it must be right around the corner, right?
Sibling rivalry is rearing it's head. What is it they say about getting back what you gave as a kid? Yeah. I am getting it. I remember my mom reading books on sibling rivalry. And sometimes just locking herself in her room to get away from us. At which point Elizabeth and I would just look at each other and go "What? We weren't seriously going to kill each other!"
With my kids, it's small right now. Toy taking (Ellie) and hair pulling (Mason). Sometimes Mason will just walk up to Ellie and fall into her, pushing her over at which point he proceeds to wrestle with her. In the bath, he tests the waters (pun intended) of biting. But when she is putting her finger in his mouth, I really don't feel sorry for her. And Ellie pretty much always decides that whatever toy Mason has decided to entertain himself with for a minute or two is JUST the toy she's been wanting to play with all day long.
Today, they were watching tv while I was putting my shoes on. I looked at them and thought "What a cute picture. Where is my camera??" And slowly, Mason's hand raised and he grabbed Ellie's hair. At first, he almost acted like he was just being sweet. Then he pulled. "MAMA! Mason's pulling my hair!" SO I sternly say "NO SIR! Keep your hands to yourself." Now, this is where Mason is very different from his sister....he gave me this look like "Make me, Lady!" and pulled again. Brandon got involved and it only helped minimally. So I finally just removed him from the chair and put his jacket on him so we could go. (Note to self: DO NOT move the carseats so they can reach each other!)
But I love them so. They brighten my days (and nights a little too often!) They are growing ENTIRELY too fast. I actually kind of dread the day when I look back on this because it will mean they are babies no more. And I am really old.

NOTE: I just tried adding a bunch of pics and it didn't work. Check back.