Monday, November 8, 2010

{A Review}

Obviously, I have been a neglectful blogger.  It just occurred to me that I didn't even post a sweet "Happy Birthday to my BABY!" blog.  You can look forward to that.  Better late than never.  That's kind of my motto.

So I am pretty much going to recap our life of late.  Hang with me.

The kids are great.  Ellie is doing very well in school.  She is taking tap class and loves it.  My mom and Miss Martha tell me she is doing really well.  I think my mom says this because she is her Nana.  I think Miss Martha says this because I am paying her.   I am going to look into piano lessons.

Mason is doing really well, period.  He loves school.  And horses.  He got about 5 million animal figurines and a barn for his birthday.  And he learned to play.  Praise the Lord and Howyalooyah.

Falling back is the best thing that happened to me today.  Waking Ellie in the morning is like disturbing a hibernating bear.  She hates waking up.  Her eyes never work.  The lights are too bright.  She's never really hungry.  She pretty much dislikes the entire world.

Today she came to my bathroom at 6:15.  That's a whole 30 minutes earlier than I normally go (try) to wake her.  She was all smiles.  Dare I say...giddy?  I am attributing this to the time change.  I am also ignoring the other possibilities for this change in mood, which are:  1.Mason spent the night with my parents last night 2. Today was pajama day at school and she didn't have to get dressed.  Obviously, the time change works for Ellie.

Mason spent the night with my parents.  My mom requested that he stay with them because it was "his turn".  I honestly never considered the fact that he would wake up at say...4 am.

I am ready for Christmas.  Mostly I am ready for decorating.  I am dreaming up all kinds of cute thing I am going to do to my house.  Here's hoping I actually get it done! And that Brandon can hang with it.

I want these boots.  Like real real bad.  I dream about them.  They are expensive.

And I read the blog of a certain Pioneer Woman who bought them and liked them so much, she bought another color at the same time.  What the heck?  Who can buy $600 worth of boots in a pop?

I finally got a few of the beach pics.  Here are a couple of my favorites.  I always think candid, unposed shots where no one really got ready for the picture are the best.

Everyone hanging on the couch

Bedtime story

Monday, November 1, 2010

{Halloween 2010}

Brandon said to me yesterday: "How I am supposed to know what's going on in my kids lives if you don't blog?"    Um, I think this indicates some serious communication issues in our marriage!

Our town celebrated Halloween yesterday.  I'm still not sure why.  Wouldn't Saturday have been a better choice?

I've spent seven years in our small community and in those seven years, I have never had a trick or treater.  So the obvious choice is to load the kids up and bring them "to town" to trick or treat at all of my families' houses.  So, including Charlie, that's three kids in carseats with about 9,000 costume props to keep up with, visiting 6 different houses.  That equals OMG I am setting up Trunk or Treat at my house next year!

The kid had a lot of fun.  Although this is yet another time I am regretful that they don't have the "neighborhood experience".  I can remember getting together with all my friends and traipsing all over our neighborhood.  I'd get so much candy that I would have to come home and dump it and go back out for more!  I guess there's always Nana and Poppop's!
The Ladybug and the Cowboy

Charlie the Hunting Dog

 Aunt Susan and Abbey

GG and Uncle Mitch

 We caught Aunt Nancy at the end of the Titan's game.  I'm glad we were there to brighten her spirits.  She gets the prize for the best treat....she gave Ellie and Mason a bag of salad as their "treat".  They both watched her put it in their bags, said thank you and then kind of walked away with strange looks.  Then she said "OH wait!  I didn't recognize you!  I have special bags for you!  That's what I give all the regular neighbor kids"  And she did have special bags!

Shelby, Andrea and Andrew.  

It was a fun night.  Trick or treating with relatives is kind of like Christmas.  We got plenty of candy, but we also scored books, dvds, and stuffed animals!  

Happy Halloween!