Monday, November 23, 2009

Happy Holidays!

***Pardon this post as it may seem a tad scroogy but I have to get some things out and, well, this IS my blog***

The Holidays have arrived. I love this time of year. WHO could not like this time of year? {Don't answer, Brandon} Good food, time with family, gifts, the JOY in children's eyes as you talk about what Christmas really is all about {and Santa}, crowds, cranky kids who stay up too late, squabbles over what kind of dressing or potatoes will be served and trying to figure out how we will be in 4 places at once. WHAT'S NOT TO LOVE???

My issue of late is decorating TOO EARLY. It seems like the lights go up a little earlier every year. For the love of Pete let Thanksgiving be about turkeys. And what about poor Halloween??? I hear "Oh I love my Christmas decorations and I hate only having them out for a few weeks." Seriously??? Ellie is majorly confused. She is sure "Christmas" is going to be any day now and that Easter should last for weeks on end. When I was growing up, there were people who put up their tree the day after Thanksgiving and they seemed over zealous to me. {Does that statement make me sound like I am 80?} But I have talked to people who decorated their house last week!

And then there is my sweet family. ALL the kids are here for Thanksgiving. We all try to alternate years with the in-laws and being home. Biz and I decided it's more fun if we coordinate years so we've worked it out to be on the same "schedule". My mom has traditionally viewed Thanksgiving as a day to provide everyone in the family at least one favorite on the table at dinner. {I actually think I recall a year that Biz had Chef Boyardee Roller Coasters} Of course we have our Pemberton traditional foods and now we have added some Fields and Dreadin traditions to the mix. We may need a few extra tables for all of the food!

I really do love the holidays. I try try try to keep my head straight and remember that it will all happen again next year so if this year isn't perfect, we can have a do-over in 2010. I have a feeling this year will be WONDERFUL, but far from the norm. I'm not even sure that we'll be able to manage a tree with all we are going to have going on. I had an idea today to do a planted live tree, keep it outside and then plant it!

Today is my last day of work for until December 7. WOOT! I am going to start packing non-essentials and moving whatever I can move. My goal for tomorrow is to pack up and move my sewing stuff. I'd also like to knock out as much Christmas shopping as possible. For the first time, Ellie has a definite list that has not changed so she should be easy. Mason is still a little tough to buy for because he isn't interested in anything for more than five minutes. But we will figure it all out.

The hardwood is finished. Brandon has been doing some work on the electric, but we have decided that it is best for us to hire someone to do the remainder so that person will be in tomorrow to finish all of the electric. CABINETS were installed last week. And OH are they beautiful! The cabinet guy will still have to come back in a week or so to finish hanging the kitchen cabinets and some other minor final details. The only major issue at this point is paint which has had some issues and is going to take some major fixing. Other than that, I *think* we are to the point of finalizing minor things. OH and plumbing. I am still holding out hope for mid-December but we shall see! I added some pics of the cabinets to the ALBUM.

1 comment:

Nana said...

I feel partially..well I guess more that partially..responsible for your "Christmas Decorating" issues. Let's make sure everyone understands...we LOVE Christmas !!! For 24 years we had a 12'+ live Christmas tree in our den !! of the reasons we decorated a bit latter than some who had artifical trees. I also had a wonderful mentor, Mary, who taught teach enjoy every minute of every holiday. So we gave Thanksgiving its turn..then we went on to celebrate Christmas. When Christmas was just a memory and something some were glad to have over, we were still celebrating!!! We even give New Years Day its turn !! It's all just a matter of family traditions!