Thursday, November 12, 2009

Hissy Fits

Tuesday started out rough. Ellie is going through some tough times. It is so hard to be four years old. And I do say that in all seriousness. She is no longer a baby. She is so smart, yet her emotions aren’t quite up to par. Sometimes, I fear that she has a harder time because everyone expects a lot from her because she can spell and write the names of every person who is important to her, including all the kids in her class, she is starting to read, she is starting to do some simple math and on and on. So as adults, we expect her to act on this same level, but learning how to deal with emotions is SO. MUCH. HARDER. {I suspect this is something Ellie’s Daddy went through as well.} And I am going to be totally honest and say I probably didn’t. Not that I am not a smart cookie, but Ellie is just exceptional, even if she is my kid. In addition she is exceptionally dramatic.

So back to our morning…she was in Mason’s bed with him when I got finished getting ready. The first thing out of her mouth was “I want to go to Nana’s.” {I deal with this sentiment a lot and honestly, I’d have preferred to go to Nana’s that day too!} I responded “OH! We should call Nana and plan a visit for this weekend!” Certainly, this was not what Ellie wanted to hear. “NO! I want to go NOW! I don’t want to go to school!” I’ve reached a point lately that I just have to nip this stuff in hopes it will not get really going so I walked over and reached for Ellie. I put my arms around her and told her that this needed to stop right now or I would leave her in the bed {she doesn’t know she can get out on her own! She’s just not dare devilish enough to try!} She continued her fit so I got Mason out and turned to walk our of their room, closing the curtain {yeah there is no door on their room} behind me. She finally composed herself enough to get out of the bed but then it turned into wanting a waffle with syrup before we left. We didn’t have time for a waffle with syrup and she was going to eat at school just like she always does. {with a “snack breakfast” in the car} Things were pretty rough until we got in the car. She didn’t want to get dressed, didn’t want to put her shoes on, didn’t want to get her hair fixed, the shoes I picked just “really bother” her and on and on. Mornings like this have become the norm and to tell you the truth, I don’t know what to do. I try patience, I try yelling, I try time out, I try talking softly and hugging…nothing works. We’ve tried earlier bed, picking out clothes the night before, and detailing our expectations the night before. But 3 out of 5 days, our mornings suck. We leave the house frazzled, in tears {yes even me}, and I find myself telling her that this isn’t how our mornings should be.

On the way to school Tuesday, after such a horrible morning, I actually, spontaneously felt so grateful. I was thinking about the house. Then Ellie and Mason started singing along to the DVD and I just thought “This is so precious.” No matter how horrible the fits are, Brandon and I are so blessed/ privileged/ lucky? I am not even sure the word. Blessed seems overused. And it seems like more than just luck. Even on bad days, my life is way better than my little girl dreams.
Tuesday night, we tried a new plan. We talked in GREAT detail about our schedule for the next day. We picked an outfit and agreed on shoes {I actually had to promise to shop for shoes because she claims her Keds aren’t comfy???} and then we prayed. We prayed for a better morning, for Ellie to make good choices and for Mama to have patience so that no one cried or yelled. We actually ended up saying two prayers because I prayed first and then she said it was her turn and I should repeat after her: “God is great. Let us thank him for our food. And our bed. A MEN.” God heard our prayers. The last two mornings have been great.

The house is coming. A week or so ago, our builder said “We are looking real good to be finished the first week of December.” This week he threw a hissy fit and said we’d be pushing it to be in by Christmas if we don’t get going on the floors. Basically the progress of the house is in a bi-polar state.

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