Wednesday, December 9, 2009

A Little Update

The paci thing is going. I have cut the paci off twice now and Mason still wants it. What a weird kid! We will keep at it. I am holding out hope that he will get sick of it and give it up on his own. It seems more humane than snatching it away since he is so attached.
The house is coming right along. Paint continues this week. Plumbing is pretty much finished. Cabinets are complete. The stone around the fireplace is done. Brandon is working on completing the electric today and the electrical inspection is scheduled for tomorrow.
What's coming up:
Blinds will be installed tomorrow. The tile guy will also be back tomorrow to finish and be done by Saturday.
Monday, someone will come in and clean and scrape the floors for carpet to go down.
Trim guys will be back and be completely finished by Wednesday or Thursday of next week.
Tuesday, carpet will begin. Final plumbing inspection will also be Tuesday.
Wednesday, closets will begin and probably be finished.
The final cleaning will be scheduled for the 18th or 19th and then we can MOVE.
I am having a hard time getting my head around the move. I'd like to pack everything up and have it ready to go, but our living quarters are pretty tight and I don't think we could deal with boxes sitting everywhere. I am taking off next Thursday and Friday, then I am off don't have to be back to school until January 4, 2010! I want to get a jump on things since the kids will be out of school after next Friday. I figure I can move everything in the kitchen even before the final cleaning since it won't be in the way. Mom is going to take off and help me (She's the BEST!) So hopefully we will be able to wake up on Christmas Morning in our new house! One of my priorities is to get the tree up ASAP in the new house. I put a little table top tree in the kids' room and let them decorate it.
I can't believe we are actually so close!

1 comment:

Nana said...

How-ya-loo-ya !!!!!Good things come to those who wait. Just think how much you and Brandon have learned about building a house. I am so excited !! Maybe you can write a book ....I'll try to get you a gig on "The View" if you will start writing :)