Wednesday, August 6, 2008

This has been a fun week. I am in pre-service training all week and so there is not child care. Kenny and Linda came down to keep the kids on Monday and Tuesday. I'm not sure they know how much I appreciated them coming. It made things so easy because I knew the kids loved them and would barely miss me, plus Linda did stuff around the house!!!! Ellie had such a great time. She loves all her grandparents so much.
Ellie absolutely cracks me up. The other night she said "Mama, I have two questions. Number 1, I ate all my dinnner. Number 2, I grew while I was at Nana and Poppop's." Um, ok, those are not questions but thanks for the info. God I love her.
Mason has become our family daredevil. He is going to wear me out and he isn't even on his feet yet. I was getting us ready to go one morning last week and the kids were in the living room. Mason was on the floor. Ellie's little chair was in the middle of the floor in front of the coffee table. I peeked in to check on them and found Mason on the back of the chair with one knee and hand on the chair and one knee mid-air heading for the coffee table with the other hand on the coffee table. I reinacted the whole thing that night to see if he could do it again and by-golly, he could. So I took pictures!
Ellie had her three year check-up and Mason had his 9 month check-up. They are both in great health. Ellie weighs 29 lbs. She is in about the 50th percentile for both height and weight. Mason weighs 19 lbs and is 29.5 inches long. He is in the 25th percentile for weight, the 50th for height and the 80th for head.

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