Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Ok, ice day, but still! My boss made the executive decision to open late today. We did not open today until 1 pm. I was very happy. Biz had to come on in to work and she said it took her about 30 minutes longer than normal and it was slick. Last year, there was ONE day when the roads seemed fine but about 15 minutes into my drive into town, things got BAD. Cars were literally going off the roads all around me. State troopers were lining the sides of the roads from all the wrecks and when they would get out of their cars, it was so slick they couldn't even walk! So with the call of 1-4 inches of snow and ice starting last night, I was relieved to be able to come in a little later. We do have some unhappy parents. Several parents said "Well I am from Ohio/ Colorado/ Illinois/ Indiana/ Pennsylvania/ Michigan and nothing shuts down for weather there!" Inside I was thinking "THEN MOVE BACK!" But I did respond professionally. But really, why risk it? WHY is everyone so friggin gung ho to rush around? SLOW DOWN PEOPLE. There are what? Nine shopping days left? No worries. You WILL find a scarf for Aunt Tilly and everything will be ok.
Ok, so there's my rant. I do have the good fortune of a couple of days off Wednesday and Thursday this week. I need to finish up a few sewing orders, overhaul my house, and finish a little decorating (I'd like to do something simple and cute to the mantle since I've never had one!) Of course, I still have some shopping to finish up. Then my mom and I are planning to take the kids to see Santa tomorrow afternoon. Ellie is VERY unsure about Santa. When I tell her she needs to tell him her list she says "Well he can just bring me what he wants to give me." And honestly, I don't think she even cares what she gets. She will be thrilled with anything. But I am hoping she will at least stand near Santa for a pic. I am not worried about Mason. And watch them surprise me and Mason will freak and Ellie will love him!
One last sad note...our dear Rose has passed away. Rose is a cow. Ellie adores all of our cows and she knows ALL 20 of them by name. I'll save the whole story of Rose's demise but we did prepare Ellie last night when we knew that Rose was not going to make it. Brandon and I talked to her about Rose going to live with God and explained that Rose was hurting really bad but now she felt all better because she is in heaven. She took it all very well. Until this morning. Now, let me preface this with: I am still learning all there is to know about country living. This is the first cow I KNOW that has died. This is my first experience with the "dead wagon". Yes, I said Dead Wagon. So the way you do things is that you put the cow at the road and call the DW and they come and take the cow off your hands. Thing is, with the weather, DW isn't operating today. But, we did prepare Ellie for the the fact that Rose was laying at the end of the driveway. Brandon even explained "It's only her body." So we get to the end of the driveway (for those who do not know, we have a VERY long driveway) and there is poor old Rose and Ellie has her look and I DO NOT slow down and off we go. She is silent in the backseat for about a mile and suddenly she starts WAILING. I say "What is wrong???" And she says "I miss Rose!!! I want Rose!!!" OH MY LORD. KNIFE IN MY HEART. Ok, so Rose was a good cow. Gave us two good calves. But she was a cow and I have learned enough about being a farmgirl to know that this is the circle of life. But when my baby is this upset it just KILLS ME. I stopped the car and got out and hugged her and told her it was ok to be sad. As we drove on, she would compose herself for a few minutes and then the wailing would crank up again. My heart! By the time we got to school, she had calmed down. She didn't mention anything when I dropped her off at her class and I have seen her several times today and she seems to be ok. But I dread getting home tonight. So keep Ellie and Rose in your thoughts and prayers!!!


Anonymous said...

Just a small piece of advise...give Rose some respect and cover her with a sheet untill the coroner or the dead wagon or the whatever gets there...and this will help Ellie... who is quite young to have to experience the loss...much less go to visitation !!!
Nana...aka Mama

Anonymous said...

You don't cover cows unless you want to be the laughing stock of the area or live in town and have them as pets. Plus as long as Ellie gets used to it now, it will be easier later when it is a person.