Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Dohsdee Dohsdee Dohsdee!

I stayed home with Mason yesterday and took him to the doctor. He's had the crud coming on for a little over a week and his cough had just gotten so bad. Dr K said his lungs are clear, to up his breathing treatments and he went on and gave him an antibiotic since it'd been lingerining so long. I think Mason already sounded better this morning so hopefully he is on the mend.

The plumber came and roughed in the plumbing yesterday and so when Brandon got home, he wanted to check it out. He took Ellie and Mason and walked up to the house while I got dinner ready. When they came back in, we sat Mason in his chair and I started to feed him. He took a few bites and then started saying "Dohs-dee. Dohs-dee. DOHS-DEEEE!!!!!" At first, I was irritated. "OK, Mason, THIS is what I fixed and I am not a short order cook!" But then I started to be concerned. What the hell is DOHS-DEE???? Brandon and I looked at each other. Then to ELLIE because she can often translate. Finally! Brandon said "Thirsty? Are you thirsty???" We handed him his cup and he CHUGGED his milk. Once his thirst was quenched, he was happy to continue eating.

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