Thursday, May 28, 2009

Privacy Issue

I am not a morning person. I think anyone who has ever seen me when I wake up in the morning knows this. I prefer not to talk at all until I have been up about an hour. Having children is not conducive to this quality. Most mornings, I get up in time to at least get showered and possibly get my make-up on before having to talk to anyone. This morning was an exception.
At about 5:45 I heard the pad of little feet coming into our room. Ellie. She came around the bed and climbed in with me and started her usual whispering. She doesn't whisper to me, she just whispers and talks. Brandon rolled over and told her to go back to sleep or get out. (Such a sweet Daddy.) I needed to get up. Try as I might, she was determined to join me in the bathroom while I showered. Ok whatever. After about 30 seconds I had to tell her "Ellie, I don't like to talk in the morning. If you want to stay in here, you are going to have to leave me alone." Yeah right. Chatty Cathy talked all through me brushing my teeth. Then she positioned herself between the fabric shower curtain and the clear plastic shower curtain so she could see me and continue to talk through my shower. She actually didn't care that I was not talking to her. She finally got bored about halfway through me washing my hair and left. Only to return and announce that Mason was awake. And to ask when I would be finished so I could fix her oatmeal. I asked if she woke him up and (of course) she said no. Yeah. Right.
Needless to say, this morning called for a Venti from the 'Bucks and I am feeling much more on top of things now. I can't wait until she is about 14 and sleeps until 1 pm. Can't. Wait.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Happy Tuesday

Well, for me, this "long weekend" was not nearly long enough. I'm trying to hang onto my vacation time until the house is finished so that I can take a week or so to move and all. And I have a week planned in August to go to Denmark with Brandon for a conference. But August is a LONG TIME. I so wanted to go to the beach this year but with the house and all, it just isn't a good time. So I guess now I will just have to look forward to the Fourth of July. Actually, the Third of July because that is when we are closed.
We had a pretty nice weekend. Saturday, I got a wild hair to go to the flea market. The kids and I packed up and headed out at about 10 Saturday morning. It would have been more fun if I had taken reinforcement. We'd been there about 10 minutes when Ellie announced she had to go to the bathroom. GAH! I wasn't even sure if there was a bathroom but if there was, I was pretty certain I didn't want her to use it. The crowd that the flea market draws So I rushed through a few more booths and we went to Kroger. Saturday afternoon, I got out a bucket (under bed Rubbermaid container) of water and water toys for them to plat with. I was certain they'd be entertained for hours so I could get a little sun. I think Mason played for about 5 seconds.
Sunday was church and kind of a lazy day. Yesterday, Brandon's mom and step-dad, John, stopped by on their way back home from a balloon race in Alabama. John is assisting with the electric for the house (hopefully) so he say down with us and we laid out fixtures and outlets and all things electric. Then yesterday afternoon, we went to my Nan's for my mom's birthday. When an announcement of a meal at "headquarters" is made, the troops come running. We had a big crowd: me, Brandon and kids, Biz and Tim, my parents, my Nan, and all of my mom's siblings and several of their kids. We played a couple of fun rounds of catch-phrase thanks to my cousin Shelby who does not travel without her catch phrase game! Then it was back to the farm.
When we were coming down the driveway I saw something laying in the field. At first we thought it was a giant groundhog. Then it got up and we realized it was a calf! So we have a new addition. I think that makes 22 in all. This particular calf seems to be a CLONE of his older brother "Tiny" who managed to escape pretty much every single for about 4 months straight. We named him Curly. I'll try to post pics soon.
We continue to make progress on the house. The masons came yesterday and dropped of a couple of guys who I guess are the schleppers. They built scaffolding and got all the bricks ready so that all the masons have to do is sit down and lay brick. Which is supposedly starting today but they were not there when I left. Although, this group happens to be from a locale just south of the border and they seem to operate on a little bit different clock than your typical construction crew. Arrive late and stay late. Hey, whatever gets the brick laid!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Boy Genius

I guess I am a bad blogger. I can't seem to find the time to keep up. Not that I don't want to blog. I certainly enjoy talking about myself and my family. Who doesn't, right? I just need a few more hours in the day.
I am happy to report that Mason is a genius. Ok, hit me yesterday for the eleventy millionth time that the second child really gets the slight. Lately I have been thinking "well maybe Mason is just better with his motor development than Ellie was." Because, you see, when Ellie was 18 months old, I was ready to sign her up for toddler Jeopardy. She was (and still is) extremely bright. By 20 months, Ellie could spell her name and recognize the names of all her classmates. She knew her colors and was counting. But that's all really way above what a kid that age should do. So the fact that Mason wasn't doing that didn't concern me too much. On to yesterday...Ellie was counting in the car as she often does. And Mason started counting with her! She'd say 1-2...and he'd chime in 3 then she'd say 4 and he'd say 5! A genius!!! So here's where I feel guilty: How long has he been able to do this and I didn't know because I just didn't ask??? So you can be sure that drills will begin tonight on colors, numbers, shapes and letters. I kid!
Actually, Mason learns so much from having an older sister. And he is in the process of moving to a new classroom at school. He is moving to the "toddler room" where all the kids are between the ages of 18 months and 3 years. He is having a ball!
Ellie is doing really well. She is in constant limbo between tomboy and prissy pot. She gets so dirty at school that I think I might have to just throw her away and start over some days. But we painted her toes pink last night and she was THRILLED to wear flip flops today to show off her toes.
The house is coming along. I FINALLY settled on the kitchen design. It has been a stressful process. The kitchen is probably THE MOST important room to me in this house. I love to cook. I want plenty of prep space and I want it to be arranged well. The original design had space for the kitchen, breakfast area and a "keeping room" all in the same space. My plan was to have it all. I thought the keeping room would be a great space for comfortable seating and a tv. I envisioned kids doing homework while I cooked dinner and kept an eye on them. And you have to have a kitchen table, right? Well the Fields are joining the ranks of the new generation of bar eaters. We nixed the kitchen table! GASP! In the end, the keeping area was most important to me. When you entertain, everyone ends up in the kitchen, right??? I just think we will use it so much. But there just wasn't enough space to have it all without cramping it up and clogging doorways. We will have a nice bar and a dining room. And this way, we will hopefully use our dining room a little more. I'm happy with it and so is Brandon and that's what matters, right?
I do have new pics, but wouldn't you know I left the camera in the car. So I promise to update pictures later today.