One of the best things about living in Kentucky is that there are seasons. Now many native Kentuckians would disagree with this, but they need to live in Alabama for about a week. Christmas week is a good week to chose since we usually wore short sleeves to ride the new bikes Santa brought us! For the last week or so, when we step out in the morning, it is nice and breezy and cool. Now it does warm up during the day, so we aren't wearing sweaters yet, but jeans feel nice (with flip flops!) and the humidity is mostly down. This morning, I dressed Ellie in her Auburn tee and jeans. When we stepped onto the front porch to head to the truck, she told me she was cold. I told her once we got going in the truck, she'd warm up. So as we were pulling out of the driveway she said "Get this going Mama! I'm about to froze!" Whenever she says stuff like this I always think "WHERE did she learn that word????" Then I remind myself she is listening to everything we say and it will come out of her mouth soon enough. And I remind my sweet husband of that daily when the lovely words that he'd never say in front of his Grandma come out of his mouth!
So fall is upon us. Mom and Dad are taking Ellie to her first WKU home game of the season. I am extremely proud of myself for the t-shirt I made for her to wear. Mom called Monday and said "The game is a white out, Ellie needs a white WKU shirt." OK as if I don't have enough to do!!! But I made it in stages. Designed it Tuesday, hooped it yesterday morning and sewed it last night. Whew! Check that one off. (You can see pics on the other blog!)
One final note on my dr's appt's yesterday: I had an SVO2 test which is pretty much a stress test. You get to wear this lovely contraption on your head, several heart monitors, a blood pressure cuff and they plug your nose then you walk on a treadmill with increasing inclines so they can see how you use oxygen. I was fine with the walking and the monitors and all that, but the nose plugging got me. ICK! Try getting a good deep breath with your nose plugged! What finally got me was the inclines. I was feeling the burn fo sho. After that test, I went to another part of the hospital for a cardiac MRI. I'm really pretty low-key about my own personal health matters. I try to take it in stride and not worry. So I figured people have MRI's every day. No. Big. Dill. Well it kinda was. The MRI alone would have been fine. Then they tell me I have to have an IV for contrast dye to be injected during the procedure. I HATE NEEDLES! Then they tell me that all during the MRI I will have to hold my breathe. I easily could have fallen asleep, but every minute or so they were saying "Take a deep breath. Let it out. Now hold it............breath and relax..." Repeat. But it's all over now and I hope to have some results today or tomorrow. These are pretty much just baseline tests so that we know where we are starting with this leaky valve. I'll update when I have more info. Enjoy the weekend! The weather here is supposed to be wonderful!
I'm including some pics of tailgating last weekend.
1 comment:
Praying for good results! LOVE AND MISS YOU!!!!!
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