Monday, September 22, 2008

WHAT is a blog?

AND why does Jennifer have one??? These questions are coming from my dear family. Here's a definition I found for "blog" that I really like: "A blog is a personal diary. A daily pulpit. A collaborative space. A political soapbox. A breaking-news outlet. A collection of links. Your own private thoughts. Memos to the world." My parents are a little freaked out that I am publishing a blog for all the world to see. My dad wanted to know if I need someone to talk to. My aunt thinks I am divulging deep personal secrets here on the "interweb" and she is also concerned for my safety. So, all you stalkers and crazies, WATCH OUT! My family's got my back.
For me, a blog is a place for me to use my wannabe writer skills and express my unending humor. I explained to my mom that people in my generation want to keep in touch, but we don't always want to talk! Two of my very best friends in the whole world live in Virginia and New Jersey. I pretty much only ever talk to them via email, blackberry messenger or text message. (And I read Des' blog!) I know everything there is to know about them and we always know what is going on in one another's lives. We meet up a couple of times a year (on good years) for a little girl's weekend and that's that. I am (mostly) not anti-social. I don't mind phone conversations or meeting up with friends for lunch. But I really like blogging. I also love to read blogs of people I know and care about. I figured since I am reading everyone else's blog, I should contribute.
So there you have it. And I write all this as if I have millions of readers when in reality, there might be 5! But at least the 5 of you know where I stand on blogs.
We had a nice weekend. Brandon hunted. He is stalking the BIG ONE. I hope he gets him. Seriously. Five years of living as a (mostly supportive) hunter's wife and we both deserve that deer on the wall! Ellie went to the WKU game with Nana and Poppop and she had a BLAST. Mason is into everything. Last night he pushed a chair around the kitchen and then tried with all his little might to climb into it. So I set him in it and pushed him around some more. All is well with the Fields'!

1 comment:

Desiree said...


I ♥ YOU TOO!!!!