Sunday, January 18, 2009

We've had a pretty normal week. Brandon was in Iowa a few days and enjoyed the lovely -22 degree temps. Things were unseasonably cold here as well but we only got down to the single digits. The kids are holding steady, healthwise. I had a little mishap this week and thought I had broken my elbow (for the third time). But luckily, it must have only been sprained. Xrays showed no break and the pain is getting better every day.
Now you're asking "What happened??" Ok, I'll share: I was walking across the office at work. Bebopping along, as my Aunt Ann would say. My ankle twisted and down I went. I caught myself with my arm, elbow straight out, palm down and there was immediate severe pain. I was actually glad no one else was in the office. It was one of those really embarrassing falls.
In house news: The house is staked out! The basement walls have been ordered. We are using something called Superior Wall systems for the basement. The walls are actually created in a factory to our exact specs and then brought in. They are an insulated concrete. Being pre-fab ensures that the basement walls are square. The walls have been ordered, out builder is waiting on the specs from the company to approve them so they can start making the walls. Once the walls come (hopefully in 2-3 weeks) we will start digging! HALLELUJAH! Once we break ground, our contract says it will be ready in 7 months. I had really really hoped for Ellie's birthday, but that may be pushing it. We shall see. Perhaps while everyone is here for Ellie's birthday, they can help us move!
Me and the kids are out tomorrow in honor of MLK, jr. day. So we have a nice long weekend. I hope everyone has a great week!

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