Saturday, January 3, 2009

Thank GOD and my mom for a clean house!

Well we are hanging in there. I don't even remember my last post so I may repeat myself...Mason is still sick and now Ellie has it. We made ANOTHER trip to the dr on Friday to find that it is, in fact, RSV. So this makes 5 times total that my kids have had it. (This is Ellie's third time and Mason's second.) I knew what it was without the test. But Thursday, Mason got much much worse and his eyes started getting really bad. On Friday morning, his eyes were glued shut with goop and we had to bathe them with a warm rag when he woke up. Ellie's were also starting to look bad and she was sniffing and coughing. The dr tested for RSV and flu,but only RSV was positive. He did switch Mason's antibiotic I think mostly because of his eyes and his ears not being completely clear. But RSV is viral so it will just have to run its course. My experience has been that RSV usually leads to secondary infections so I hop we do not end up with another trip because of a sinus or ear infection for Ellie. Pray! I also called the eye specialist at Vanderbilt to see if he thinks we need to do another surgery on Mason's tear duct. He said continue to watch it and if it does not clear with the eye drops and antibiotic to let him know.

Mason seems to be doing better. Ellie is getting worse. She has a rather "fresh" cold as my mam-maw would say. Runny eyes, runny nose and just all around icky. Mason is still congested but it is clearing and we are still doing breathing treatments. Whew! But we will make it.

Brandon is in Alabama with Tim until Monday. He killed an 8 point buck his first day. It's a nice little mini Alabama version of the one he has on the wall. He is having a really good time and I am sooo glad he has the chance to go. He says that hunting with dogs is completely different than the hunting he does, but it's a lot of fun nonetheless.

My mom and sister saved my life and sanity today by helping me get my house in order. I decided the best analogy for my living situation is that I live in a puzzle. In order to get ANYTHING out I have to take the puzzle apart and if I don't have time to put the puzzle back together I just end up with all the pieces laying around. After a while I have several puzzles laying around and the pieces get all mixed up and it takes a LOT of work to get it back together. So Biz took Mason and my mom, Ellie and I got to work. I had mountains of laundry to get put away and my whole house just needed re-organizing and straightening. With the chaos of Christmas things were messy and bringing in all the stuff we got for Christmas just added to it and it was OUT OF CONTROL!

My mom is THE BEST at being able to tell me little things that will help organize my stuff and make things easier. Plus she thinks like I do so she knows where things go. It took us a couple of hours but we got it all done and I am sitting here typing in a VERY neat living room. My kitchen is straight. There are no dishes in the sink. Counters are wiped down. I will not trip on any toys when/if? I make my way to the kids' room tonight to get whomever decides not to sleep all night. What a relief. And I have already issued the ultimatum to Brandon that he MUST help me keep things in order. I think my mom also said something about grounding him if he doesn't help and I end up as stressed as I was when we started today. I almost had a panic attack when we got started because I didn't even know WHERE to start. And that is soo not like me. But I can breath easy now!


Anonymous said...

I am soooo happy to hear you are not stressed !! "Mama Mission" accomplished !!!!

Desiree said...

Can Nana please come to Virginia and help me??? :) Glad your house is reorganized. Is it still? This post is 5 days old, after all :)