We made it to Denmark. I've felt very disconnected the last few days. It's amazing how dependant we become on technology. Ok, maybe not you, but me! My cell phone wasn't working {got that resolved yesterday} and this is the first time I've been on the computer. I take for granted how easy it is to stay connected with cell phones, email, Facebook, and text messaging. But Brandon left his computer with me today while he went off to the conference so I am back in business!
Our trip has been fun so far. The flight was good and we lucked out by having an empty seat between us {the plane was a two three two seat configuration}. We had plenty of room to stretch out. I started feeling puny Friday. I willed myself to feel better and told myself it was allergies. By Friday afternoon, I decided to check just to be sure...I had major white patches on my throat. It was 5pm! I called Biz and my mom and they suggested I go to the Quick Care Clinic so off Ellie and I went. I got an antibiotic and I am feeling some better, but still not 100%. {BOO!}
The people watching on an international trip makes for never ending entertainment. On the flight, there was a large number of seniors who were headed over here to go on a Scandanavian Cruise. Most of them wore their nicest clothes for the NINE HOUR flight. I am talking older men in sport coats and TIES and women in panty hose. The couple in front of us wore SARS masks nearly the entire flight. Then there was our flight mate that Brandon and I still cannot get over: I saw this guy in the Atlanta airport bar. He looked homeless. Dirty clothes, dirty hands, unkempt hair, long icky beard. I noticed him sitting in the bar drinking a beer. I wondered how I homeless man got into the airport. We boarded our flight and everyone was pretty much settled and there was one last passenger to board. He needed help finding his seat. It was the homeless guy! And he sat across the aisle from Brandon. He drank a lot more beer and wore women's reading glasses. We never did figure out where he was going!
When we arrived Sunday, we got out a little and walked around, ate lunch and came back for a nice nap. In the evening, we went to the ICo.MST welcome reception. Last night, there was a get together at the Town Hall. Very pretty old building and it was evidently a really big thing that the group was granted permission to hold an event there. I spent some of the day yesterday walking around. Brandon and I will do the sight-seeing things together when he has some time off on Thursday and Friday.
I forgot my camera cord so I can't upload pics. But I will put some up of the kids that were taken a few weeks ago. I've been checking in with the kids every day. They are having a ball and don't have much time to talk to their Mama. I miss them terribly but I am doing my best to have fun!
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