Monday, August 3, 2009

A New Day

I {often} wish I were a little less roller-coaster-ish. My personality is such that my life really goes in cycles. Ups and dowsn. I have times when I feel like things are crumbling around me. In those times, I feel like every morning is a rush and I forget things. We eat grilled cheese every night for dinner because I just can't seem to put anything else together. At work, I feel like I am just never productive. And on and on.... Then I kind of hit bottom. I just decide I AM getting it together. I clean everything. I organize. I PLAN. Life starts to be a little less hectic, a little more organized and just a smidge easier. And I am kind of getting back to that this week.
Saturday, the kids went to my parents. That is probably the biggest help in my getting my crap together. I feel like I cannot accomplish anything when they are home. The second I get really involved in a project {think cleaning the bathroom, unloading the dishwasher, doing a load of whites...not big stuff}, someone is screaming my name: "Mason hit me". "I want to help!" "HOLD ME!!!" So I either get distracted and never complete a task OR I just never start one because I just can't handle anything more than entertaining the kids and playing referee. PLEASE someone tell me I am not a slug and there are other moms out there feeling this way! Ok, so back to getting it together...Saturday night I cleaned the bathroom, swept the kitchen, straightened the house, did laundry. Sunday I cleaned out my truck. {I am ASHAMED at condition of my truck. Horrible.} Whenever I start to get things back in reign, I feel like it's really a fresh start!
Getting out the door this morning was easy peasy. No whining, no forgetting, and no fits. We got into our clean truck and made our merry way to school. I even feel like I have been more productive at work today! Soooo here's hoping I can keep this going for a while! How DOES it all fall apart? I am not sure. Perhaps I should try to be a little more cognizant of the fall apart and try to recognize the signs. Maybe I can stop the fall in its tracks! Ya'll let me know when you see it coming, ok?
The house report is that it is moving at a SNAIL'S PACE. Whew! This do-it-yourself electric thing is A. LOT. We do continue to make progress. They are still working on the siding, HVAC is finally complete {for now}, and we have made a lot of progress with electric...but there is still a long way to go. Brandon worked ALL DAY Saturday and Sunday. We had a lot of help. Tim and some neighbors helped Saturday. Then Sunday Tim came back for more and we also had my dad and Brandon's step-dad. The idea for this weekend had been to get it DONE, however that plan didn't quite pan out. We're not completely sure the direction things are taking at this point but we have some plans in the works. Most important is that the electric gets completed so that drywall can start.
I found some BEAUTIFUL flooring. I have decided on a wide {5 inch or so} handscraped hardwood floor. We are going to get a pre-finished, engineered floor because all of my research is saying that it will have the best finish and wear well with little feet {and little toys}.
Brandon is traveling a lot over the next few weeks. Out of the country for 5-6 weeks straight? I think that's what he told me. Good times. One of those weeks, I will be with him, but still.
We are leaving for Copenhagen, DK August 15. I am excited. I have tried to find some "things to see and do" but there doesn't seem to be anything extremely remarkable. It will be a nice relaxing vacation. The kids will be with mom and dad with Biz and Tim as backup. Biz asked if she could just have the kids to "practice" on. much could she mess them up in eight days??? I had thought we'd be in the house by now {HA HA HA HA!} and mom could stay there and have the option of bringing the kids to school to give herself a break. It's not that I worry at all about her abilities, just her sanity. BUT, Nana is WAY more capable than I am. {Seriously. She comes to my house for one afternoon, has both kids and can get more accomplished than I can in an entire weekend.} I know everyone will be fine.


Nana said...

The free fall" into "Dis-organized Land" is It is just part of the deal...except for June Cleaver . Too bad we can not ask her what the secret was...hey...maybe it was those high heels, a starched cotton house dress and ...The Pearls !! Try wearing the pearls my darling and see if that helps !! Also...try to not be too hard on yourself. You wear lots of different hats...a full time job...that would have finished me off...2 babies under 5, a traveling man, and a new house in progress. Just will all work out. And remember...complete the process...everytime :)

Desiree said...

I think you got a lot done today because we didn't email :) I'm in the midst of unpacking and DUH-RAMA at work so I've been laying low. I can't believe your trip is coming up so fast!!! I will miss you!!! Send me your itinerary so I can cyber stalk you. MISS YOU!

Anonymous said...

I think you're totally normal (HA HA...kidding). Really though, I think we all go in cycles of having it together and losing it again. Who can possibly have it together ALL of the time?

5-6 WEEKS?? OMG. Bless your heart!