Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Slowly But Surely...

For anyone wondering, we made it home safe and sound. The kids were happy to see us, but I think I was happier to see them. We are back into the swing of work and school. I still feel like I am about 7 hours ahead and I'd love to be close to bedtime now. I have a really busy week at work because all of our new kiddos start this coming Monday.
We have made some house progress! The roughed in electrical inspection was yesterday and we PASSED. Insulation and dry wall should begin within the week. Slowly but surely, we ARE progressing. No idea yet when we might be able to move in. Here are some of the latest pics:

The exterior is pretty much finished except for the screens on the screened porch. It's been a long process, but when I drive into our driveway in the evenings, I am just overcome with how blessed we are to have such a beautiful home. If we never get walls, it'll be a nice place to camp! Hopefully, I'll have time to blog more later but I wanted to let everyone know we are doing well!

1 comment:

mesa said...

glad you are back home w/ the kids :)
Your house is GORGEOUS I know you are super excited!