Monday, August 10, 2009

I'm going to Denmark!

I think I kind of have writer's block! I can't think of anything witty to write about so for what? The third week this is just the facts.
The biggest thing that is going on with us is ELECTRIC. Brandon finally finished everything that he can for now. We made the decision to hire someone to complete it. He will be coming in on Thursday to finalize everything so that insulation and drywall can begin. BUT...we will be out of the country next week so we are delayed yet another week. In the big scheme, what's one more week? Right? The new timeline is: finish electric this week, we will be gone, schedule inspector for Tuesday August 25 and hopefully the insulation can start the following day. Doing the electric ourselves and having to depend on family to help has been a night.mare. Nuff said!
Brandon and I leave this coming Saturday for Denmark. I am very excited. We have not been away as a couple in many years. I think it will be wonderful to just be "us" for a few days. And I have heard great things about Denmark {except for the fact that they are socialist??? but I guess that's not really any different than the direction America is taking, right?}. Then there is this ting of anxiety over leaving my babies!!! I spend so. much. time. with those kids! I am going to miss them like crazy. I have been trying to prepare Ellie. We got the globe out yesterday and looked at Kentucky, then at Gallatin and how close that is, then at Indiana and how close that is. Then we looked at Florida and talked about how long it takes to get there. THEN I showed her Denmark and how far it is and I told her how I will fly on a plane all the way over there and then next week I will get on another plane and fly back to MY BABIES! Her response was to dance around the living room and sing ♫♫"I get to live at Na na's. I get to live at Na na's."♫♫ Obviously she is very broke up about us being gone. Last week, I told her I would miss her so much and she looked at me and said "Well, you can always call me!" Again, real broke up. I am so so so glad that my kids know they can love and depend on other people besides Brandon and I. It is very comforting to know that, though they will miss me, I doubt there will be many times they will be completely sick over missing me.
I decided to get web capabilities on my BB again so if you are my FB friend, look for updates about the trip. And maybe even a text or two! Things have come such a long way even in the three years we traveled to Ireland when I was completely without a cell or the ability to text because my phone at the time did not have the capability. Yeah for technology!
I am really trying to psych myself up and not make this be like the first {and only} time I went to summer camp. I got so homesick! I sent my grandmother a letter than caused a call to my mom from Nan asking if I was being mistreated! Then I left camp early. I regret having so much worry and stress over that fun summer experience. {OK, I am not sure I could have ever made myself like the fact that they made us clean the bathrooms ourselves!} I know the kids will be having a ball. I know Nana will get help from Biz if she needs it and I need to experience all that Denmark has to offer without worry! Prayers are welcome!
Colby is doing so much better! He may get to go home this weekend. His mom Amy sent an email saying how much she has appreciated all the well wishes and prayers. He is a fighter and so is his Mama! Keep the prayers coming but know that they ARE working. He has been in the hospital for three weeks and there have been some very grim days but things are finally looking up.
We had the kids pictures taken last week. A longtime friend of the Pem.bertons, Gab.rielle, took the pics. I am so excited about the pictures! We had them done outdoors and they all turned out so well. I am hoping that we can schedule another time this fall to have family pics taken and include Biz and Tim and my parents. I hope to get the cd of the pics this week so look for those to be posted. I got a great deal and I get the cd and then I can just get the pictures printed myself. I love that. And I need Biz to get her own camera so she can do this! She absolutely has the talent, she just needs the right equipment!

That's all for now! OH! One more thing: They did the columns and shutters this week and my new house is beautiful if I do say so! I am so excited. I will try to post a pic tomorrow!

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