Tuesday, January 26, 2010

{Men's Screw-ups}

I backed into the garage last night. Yes I did.

Let me back up and explain to you why it is a miracle I get to work with a shower and all my clothes on. And in the right place. Have you been reading this blog long? I am loose at all ends. And according to Biz, I have every right to be. After all, I have a lot on my plate. Well I DO! I digress...

Bootcamp is still in full swing and it started at 6:30 last night. The kids and I made the mad dash home and I got dinner together for them, dressed in my workout wear and waited for my ride, Tim. He texted me "Be THERE at 6." 6:06, Biz calls wondering where I am. Um, waiting for Tim at my house. Well it seems he meant I should come to his house and ride with him. Mad Dash #2 out the door to meet Tim at the Y. (Now you can see where this is going, right?) Jump in my truck, hit the button for the garage door, check the mirrors and notice Callie threatening to come into the open(ing) garage door, throw it in gear, back up and SCREECH.

I caught the very bottom of the door with the top of my truck. I just didn't give it long enough to open. Brandon was beyond thrilled. Because evidently I don't care that the garage door may have to be replaced and I don't take care of our stuff. And then I left for Bootcamp. Oh yes I did. This is about me.

I called on the way home to see if I could park in the garage or if I should park in the driveway. He said I could park in the garage as long as I waited for the door to open before pulling in or out. I told him everyone makes mistakes. He ranted "Yes everyone makes mistakes but you have to pay attention to what you are doing. ..." I calmly replied "You backed my truck into the shed and demolished the backup sensors. Everyone makes mistakes." He didn't have much to say after that.

The door was no worse for the wear. It operates just fine and you can barely tell anything happened. My truck is ok too.

Nana has suggested we start a book that can serve as a go-to resource during major marital catastrophes. You know. So we can point out what they did wrong that cancels out what we did wrong. We will title it "Men's Screw-ups". I think it will be a long book.


nana said...

One small clarification please ....the book title...perhaps we should think about "Mens' and Womens Screw Up's" cause we ALL screw up from time to time. The thing is..the old "Men are from Mars, Women are From Venus" thing. It's all in the way it processes through the brain...and comes out the mouth. I've been told men yell..and then it's over...women "harbor the issue". So how about if we promise not to harbor..if you promise not to yell? Good plan? "Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes"...we all make them.

Anonymous said...

Men yell. Women cry. Women cry because men yell. Men yell because women cry (and break things). It's as old as cats and dogs. Never going to change. Best to learn to live with it.
