I feel like I am pretty wordly, but since Ellie has started school, I am seeing more and more that I may actually live in a little bubble of sorts. The kids have gone to school where I work all of their lives. We beat our little path from the University to "the Sticks" every day. On weekends, we go to church with people we have known several years and Biz and Tim, of course.
Socially, we have friends we've known for years, people we work with and of course neighbors. And there's always family. As evidenced this summer, I spend a large amount of my social time with my family. My peeps. Those who know all about me and love me, and mine, just the same.
So now Ellie has started school and we are presented with new interactions with new people and new interests. And new ideas. And for the record, I have always known these ideas were present, it's just that I haven't put myself or my family in situations with people who share these ideas because they are not common ideas.
This past Friday, I had a meeting with some other moms from Ellie's classroom to plan the "Holiday Party". Now, just don't get me started on that term. Because really, ya'll? Really? I don't hear anyone complaining about all the benefits of this "holiday" season. But let's be real. The "holiday" is CHRISTMAS. The birth of my Lord. OK? Ok. Like I said, I don't intend to rant.
So while at this little planning party, all the moms got to talking and a certain book came up. One of the other moms was talking about this book and how horrible it was and she was telling us "DON'T buy it!"
So, I just listened. (I really just listened!) And she went on to tell that the book was about a moose and his adventures. That other woodland creatures move into his antlers and on and on. And then...are you sitting down? Well, then there's a hunter. With a gun. (Not a slingshot or anything, a GUN.) And the hunter wants to kill the moose.
I've heard that's what hunters do. That's just what I heard...
So this mom goes on and on and on about how horrible the book was... and how she apologized to her daughter for buying it... and she had no idea what it was about... and that she never would have bought it... and how it was HORRIBLE. Alrighty...
And I just sat quietly.
Because this is a picture of my living room:
And my kid has been known to wear this.
(Look at that smile.)
And in general, I am not passionate about convincing people who don't hunt that they need to. I actually don't even try to convince people who won't eat venison that they should. Because I really don't care.
The thing that got under my skin about the interaction was the idea that everyone at that table felt the same way this other mom did. Because I don't.
And you can bet your bottom dollar that if it the subject comes up among Ellie's friends, she will think they have three heads when they say "hunting is bad" "guns are bad" or "killing animals is bad".
And to complete my rant. Oh wait, did I say I wouldn't rant? Well, let me complete it anyway.
To complete my rant, I just wonder if my family would be viewed as the "backwards", "closed minded" family. Because guess what, ya'll? It's not the case. Well, not for me.
As I said, I do not care if this mom wants to feed her kid rubberbeans and grass. Or seaweed and pondroots. Just don't assume that everyone you are talking to feels the same way you do. Because that, my dear friends, is closed-minded.
I think I'll email that mom and suggest she arrange to give Ellie that book for their classroom gift swap at the Christmas party! Cause, really, we would kinda love that book at our house!
BUT, but...here's where it kind of took me back...I kept my mouth shut. Because I am not like that mom. And I don't care what she does at her house or what her kids read. It effects me in no way whatsoever. And I guess we have entered the realm of our kids being exposed to things at school that are out of our control.
Who knew we'd start with lobbying against the NRA rather than learning cuss words???
And I guess when Ellie comes home and says "Soandso said that hunting is bad." We'll just tell her that everyone has different opinions.
Ok, that's what I will tell her. I can imagine her daddy will tell her to kick the kid in the knees and show them her rifle. And he might even help her with her powerpoint presentation on "Why Hunting is Good and Being Vegan is Dumb".
But we're not closed minded. Thank goodness for that.
I have to add some cute things the kids said this week because otherwise it may be forgotten into my distant memory.
One morning this week something was said about Jesus. (And I really cannot remember what was said) And Mason responded: "Jesus? I know him! He's God's son!!" Amen and A Men!
We watched "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" one night last week. At the end, when the Whos get all their stuff back, Ellie looks at me and says "Jesus made that happen. He did. Because Christmas is about Jesus." So evidently Jesus wanted the Whos to have their gifts and decorations. She was very convinced of this fact. But at least she (mostly) knows what Christmas is really about. For that I am thankful!
Monday, December 6, 2010
Thursday, December 2, 2010
{Merry Christmas!}
Ya'll get the privilege of being the first to receive that greeting from me this year. Did you know I love Christmas? Love it! And I have finally gotten on the bandwagon of thinking that the Christmas season starts the day after Thanksgiving. I mean, it's all so much fun, why not celebrate a little longer??? I am so excited about decorating the house.
In the spirit of Christmas and all the behavior management techniques it affords, we brought out the Elf on the Shelf for his second year in our household. Do you know about the Elf? He comes in a little gift package that happened to be delivered to my parents' house last year on Thanksgiving Day for Ellie and Mason. In the package was a book, "The Elf on the Shelf", and the Elf himself. The book explains that he is there to watch over things and report back to Santa. Every night when the kids go to bed, he flies back to the north pole by way of "Christmas magic" and gives the Big Guy a report of the good and the bad.
This seems like a fun little idea, huh? I mean kids certainly need MORE Christmas to go with all the other fluff, right? Honestly, I don't know what I was thinking. Do I not have enough stress without having to remember to move the damn Elf every night?
Then I rethought it. My kids are only little once. And with the way things are going, I honestly am not sure Ellie is going to believe in Santa and Elves for very long. She has already informed me that she isn't completely buying this Elf thing. She told me the second day that "He's just stuffed. I don't see how he flies home." To which I replied an indignant, "YOU THINK I WOULD LIE TO YOU???"
Does that make me a bad person? I mean, it's a lie, right? But it's a good lie. Right?
Sometimes I am not sure if she just enjoys a good fantasy and plays along or if she really believes. And I really don't remember having those thoughts until I was much older. To her credit, I think she will at least play along for a good long while for Mason's (and possibly my) sake.
I somewhat expect Mason to get fed up with the Elf's reports and make the little guy mysteriously disappear. Mason has entered the terrible threes. His twos were actually a joy. He's paying back now. More on that later...But I do have to add, he is still the funniest kid I know. This morning as we were walking into school he told me first he was galloping like a horse. Then he started running and I said "Are you running like an antelope?" He said "No! I'm running like A CHILDREN!"
I was particularly pleased with my creativity regarding the Elf last night. And I plan on making this Elf on the Shelf thing fun for myself this season. (I know Brandon can't wait.)
In the spirit of Christmas and all the behavior management techniques it affords, we brought out the Elf on the Shelf for his second year in our household. Do you know about the Elf? He comes in a little gift package that happened to be delivered to my parents' house last year on Thanksgiving Day for Ellie and Mason. In the package was a book, "The Elf on the Shelf", and the Elf himself. The book explains that he is there to watch over things and report back to Santa. Every night when the kids go to bed, he flies back to the north pole by way of "Christmas magic" and gives the Big Guy a report of the good and the bad.
This seems like a fun little idea, huh? I mean kids certainly need MORE Christmas to go with all the other fluff, right? Honestly, I don't know what I was thinking. Do I not have enough stress without having to remember to move the damn Elf every night?
Then I rethought it. My kids are only little once. And with the way things are going, I honestly am not sure Ellie is going to believe in Santa and Elves for very long. She has already informed me that she isn't completely buying this Elf thing. She told me the second day that "He's just stuffed. I don't see how he flies home." To which I replied an indignant, "YOU THINK I WOULD LIE TO YOU???"
Does that make me a bad person? I mean, it's a lie, right? But it's a good lie. Right?
Sometimes I am not sure if she just enjoys a good fantasy and plays along or if she really believes. And I really don't remember having those thoughts until I was much older. To her credit, I think she will at least play along for a good long while for Mason's (and possibly my) sake.
I somewhat expect Mason to get fed up with the Elf's reports and make the little guy mysteriously disappear. Mason has entered the terrible threes. His twos were actually a joy. He's paying back now. More on that later...But I do have to add, he is still the funniest kid I know. This morning as we were walking into school he told me first he was galloping like a horse. Then he started running and I said "Are you running like an antelope?" He said "No! I'm running like A CHILDREN!"
I was particularly pleased with my creativity regarding the Elf last night. And I plan on making this Elf on the Shelf thing fun for myself this season. (I know Brandon can't wait.)
Ellie is now convinced (and scared)that our toys come alive at night. Mason was kind of miffed that Woody was in the Barbie Jeep.
Next up: A letter from Santa. Oh and I'll be changing Biz's contact info in my phone to "Santa Claus" in case I need to text or call the Big Guy. Merry Christmas, ya'll!
Monday, November 8, 2010
{A Review}
Obviously, I have been a neglectful blogger. It just occurred to me that I didn't even post a sweet "Happy Birthday to my BABY!" blog. You can look forward to that. Better late than never. That's kind of my motto.
So I am pretty much going to recap our life of late. Hang with me.
The kids are great. Ellie is doing very well in school. She is taking tap class and loves it. My mom and Miss Martha tell me she is doing really well. I think my mom says this because she is her Nana. I think Miss Martha says this because I am paying her. I am going to look into piano lessons.
Mason is doing really well, period. He loves school. And horses. He got about 5 million animal figurines and a barn for his birthday. And he learned to play. Praise the Lord and Howyalooyah.
Falling back is the best thing that happened to me today. Waking Ellie in the morning is like disturbing a hibernating bear. She hates waking up. Her eyes never work. The lights are too bright. She's never really hungry. She pretty much dislikes the entire world.
Today she came to my bathroom at 6:15. That's a whole 30 minutes earlier than I normally go (try) to wake her. She was all smiles. Dare I say...giddy? I am attributing this to the time change. I am also ignoring the other possibilities for this change in mood, which are: 1.Mason spent the night with my parents last night 2. Today was pajama day at school and she didn't have to get dressed. Obviously, the time change works for Ellie.
Mason spent the night with my parents. My mom requested that he stay with them because it was "his turn". I honestly never considered the fact that he would wake up at say...4 am.
I am ready for Christmas. Mostly I am ready for decorating. I am dreaming up all kinds of cute thing I am going to do to my house. Here's hoping I actually get it done! And that Brandon can hang with it.
I want these boots. Like real real bad. I dream about them. They are expensive.
And I read the blog of a certain Pioneer Woman who bought them and liked them so much, she bought another color at the same time. What the heck? Who can buy $600 worth of boots in a pop?
I finally got a few of the beach pics. Here are a couple of my favorites. I always think candid, unposed shots where no one really got ready for the picture are the best.
So I am pretty much going to recap our life of late. Hang with me.
The kids are great. Ellie is doing very well in school. She is taking tap class and loves it. My mom and Miss Martha tell me she is doing really well. I think my mom says this because she is her Nana. I think Miss Martha says this because I am paying her. I am going to look into piano lessons.
Mason is doing really well, period. He loves school. And horses. He got about 5 million animal figurines and a barn for his birthday. And he learned to play. Praise the Lord and Howyalooyah.
Falling back is the best thing that happened to me today. Waking Ellie in the morning is like disturbing a hibernating bear. She hates waking up. Her eyes never work. The lights are too bright. She's never really hungry. She pretty much dislikes the entire world.
Today she came to my bathroom at 6:15. That's a whole 30 minutes earlier than I normally go (try) to wake her. She was all smiles. Dare I say...giddy? I am attributing this to the time change. I am also ignoring the other possibilities for this change in mood, which are: 1.Mason spent the night with my parents last night 2. Today was pajama day at school and she didn't have to get dressed. Obviously, the time change works for Ellie.
Mason spent the night with my parents. My mom requested that he stay with them because it was "his turn". I honestly never considered the fact that he would wake up at say...4 am.
I am ready for Christmas. Mostly I am ready for decorating. I am dreaming up all kinds of cute thing I am going to do to my house. Here's hoping I actually get it done! And that Brandon can hang with it.
I want these boots. Like real real bad. I dream about them. They are expensive.
And I read the blog of a certain Pioneer Woman who bought them and liked them so much, she bought another color at the same time. What the heck? Who can buy $600 worth of boots in a pop?
I finally got a few of the beach pics. Here are a couple of my favorites. I always think candid, unposed shots where no one really got ready for the picture are the best.
Everyone hanging on the couch
Bedtime story
Monday, November 1, 2010
{Halloween 2010}
Brandon said to me yesterday: "How I am supposed to know what's going on in my kids lives if you don't blog?" Um, I think this indicates some serious communication issues in our marriage!
Our town celebrated Halloween yesterday. I'm still not sure why. Wouldn't Saturday have been a better choice?
I've spent seven years in our small community and in those seven years, I have never had a trick or treater. So the obvious choice is to load the kids up and bring them "to town" to trick or treat at all of my families' houses. So, including Charlie, that's three kids in carseats with about 9,000 costume props to keep up with, visiting 6 different houses. That equals OMG I am setting up Trunk or Treat at my house next year!
The kid had a lot of fun. Although this is yet another time I am regretful that they don't have the "neighborhood experience". I can remember getting together with all my friends and traipsing all over our neighborhood. I'd get so much candy that I would have to come home and dump it and go back out for more! I guess there's always Nana and Poppop's!
Aunt Susan and Abbey
We caught Aunt Nancy at the end of the Titan's game. I'm glad we were there to brighten her spirits. She gets the prize for the best treat....she gave Ellie and Mason a bag of salad as their "treat". They both watched her put it in their bags, said thank you and then kind of walked away with strange looks. Then she said "OH wait! I didn't recognize you! I have special bags for you! That's what I give all the regular neighbor kids" And she did have special bags!
Our town celebrated Halloween yesterday. I'm still not sure why. Wouldn't Saturday have been a better choice?
I've spent seven years in our small community and in those seven years, I have never had a trick or treater. So the obvious choice is to load the kids up and bring them "to town" to trick or treat at all of my families' houses. So, including Charlie, that's three kids in carseats with about 9,000 costume props to keep up with, visiting 6 different houses. That equals OMG I am setting up Trunk or Treat at my house next year!
The kid had a lot of fun. Although this is yet another time I am regretful that they don't have the "neighborhood experience". I can remember getting together with all my friends and traipsing all over our neighborhood. I'd get so much candy that I would have to come home and dump it and go back out for more! I guess there's always Nana and Poppop's!
The Ladybug and the Cowboy
Charlie the Hunting Dog
Aunt Susan and Abbey
GG and Uncle Mitch
We caught Aunt Nancy at the end of the Titan's game. I'm glad we were there to brighten her spirits. She gets the prize for the best treat....she gave Ellie and Mason a bag of salad as their "treat". They both watched her put it in their bags, said thank you and then kind of walked away with strange looks. Then she said "OH wait! I didn't recognize you! I have special bags for you! That's what I give all the regular neighbor kids" And she did have special bags!
Shelby, Andrea and Andrew.
It was a fun night. Trick or treating with relatives is kind of like Christmas. We got plenty of candy, but we also scored books, dvds, and stuffed animals!
Happy Halloween!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
{What's Going On}
To say it has been a while would be an understatement, no? I've thought of a thousand different things to blog about and just never make the time. How is it I have so little time? I feel like I am always chasing my tail and really never accomplish anything. I've whined about this so much I know you are as tired of hearing it as I am typing it. So EVS. We move on.
The kids and I joined my parents, Biz and Charlie on a terrific and glorious beach trip a couple of weeks ago. Ellie asked if we could call Daddy and Tim and have them come down and then just live there. Yep. That pretty much summed it up.
I didn't bother getting out my camera because Biz had her extremely sophisticated camera with her, however I have yet to see a single shot taken from said sophisticated camera so I finally uploaded some pics I took with my phone. So pathetic. (Get on it Biz!)
The kids and I joined my parents, Biz and Charlie on a terrific and glorious beach trip a couple of weeks ago. Ellie asked if we could call Daddy and Tim and have them come down and then just live there. Yep. That pretty much summed it up.
I didn't bother getting out my camera because Biz had her extremely sophisticated camera with her, however I have yet to see a single shot taken from said sophisticated camera so I finally uploaded some pics I took with my phone. So pathetic. (Get on it Biz!)
On the way down, Charlie got all 'hood on us.
When we got to the beach, Ellie was cautious. Mason refused to get within 10 feet of the water. Ellie held my hand and after about 2.5 seconds, she was in the water. It took Mason about 3 minutes. This picture was taken about 5 minutes post arrival. There was this cool sandbar that the kids called "Our Island". The water was more clear than I have ever seen it and so calm it was like a lake!
Mason tried on Nana's glasses. Ellie took a swim in the pool. We actually spent a surprisingly little amount of time at the pool.
Charlie made a few beach appearances. It's tough with all the paparazzi.
We got up early one morning and hunted for shells. The kids were impressed, I was not. When I was little I used to find TONS of shells on this very same beach. What happened?
They got all geared up for the big Auburn vs. Kentucky game. War Eagle!
We had a great time. It was so relaxing. Then we came home. Bleh.
Big family news is that Biz is no longer working. She and Charlie are chilling at home. I am absolutely, insanely jealous. I mean, the van wasn't bad enough and now this! The bright side for me is that Ellie no longer has to go to the after-school program.
If I'm being honest, after-school was pretty much my most unfavorite thing about her starting school. I hated it. The program was fine. The supervisors were great and they did tons of fun things. But it just made for such a long day. And she was in there with kids all the way up to 6th grade. And she reported that one of her good friends in after-school was Sheila, a 4th grader.
So yeah, not a big fan of after-school. But those days are over and I am eternally grateful, once again, to my fabulous sister. Even though I am also incredibly jealous.
And Charlie is no longer at school with me everyday and I pretty much HATE IT. He grew so much last week and now he thinks he is going to crawl. He is getting SO BIG.
And I am so so so incredibly over the moon happy for my sister to be with him all day every day!
We had Ellie's first parent teacher conference yesterday. She makes us so proud! She is doing great in school. Her teacher said that most days she worries about her job security with Ellie in her room. I'm not sure if that is good or bad.
They want to test Ellie for the kindergarten version of the gifted and talented program. Again, I am just so proud of her. Her love of learning is incredible. She'd rather do homework or workbooks than pretty much anything. I hope she always loves school this much!
My baby will be three on Saturday. THREE YEARS OLD. Unreal. His wishlist is pretty small: "A BIG 'piderman and a schlinky like Ellie's".
We made a trip to Toys R Us to try to find a few more things he might like to add to the list and he found this:
So a big 'piderman it is!
I'm excited about the weekend. Mason's birthday, a trip to a local Orchard/ Pumpkin patch, Bizfest 2010 and Brandon's dad and step-mom are coming to celebrate with us on Sunday.
Life is crazier right now than it has ever been for our family. It's something I'll talk about here later. Just know, life is nuts. But we'll survive. It's not bad. Once the craziness is over, it's gonna be great! And I'll even tell you about it if we are friends. But say a little prayer for us!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
I had to have some work done on my truck last week so I needed to drive Brandon's car. I kind of cringed at the thought. Brandon bought his car as a cheap, good gas mileage car. It fits those criterion. But Brandon has treated it like a farm truck and it was nas. tay.
I decided that driving such a filthy car would put me in a bad mood and Brandon deserved to have a cleaner car. Plus I didn't want to drive it in that condition so Biz and I set out to clean it up.
I judged, ya'll. I judged a lot. HOW could anyone get a car so dirty? And remember Biz and I were working together so it wasn't pretty conversation. But we got the job done.
Then Biz went car shopping. She bought a minivan. Yes she did.
Now I have said a lot of bad things about minivans, but I take them all back! I swooned. It's just so dang kid friendly. And has leather. And a DVD player. And headphones. And doors that open AND CLOSE automatically.
I envied. I am ashamed of how much I envied. I envied A LOT. I was in a bad place. A place where I was thinking how having a car payment wouldn't be so bad. I mentioned the doors, right? And the kid friendliness?
It was a bad time in my life and I am not proud.
And then I started thinking. First I thought "HOW could my own sister do this to me? How could she one up me like this? WHO does she think she is with her high falootin' minivan???" And then I kind of came to my senses.
For starters, while Biz has a very nice abode, it is certainly not her dream home. It's small. And she only has one bathroom. And I have four.
So I thought "Hmm, I bet she wishes she had one of my bathrooms. Or my tub. Ok, so maybe I don't have it so bad."
And if I am being honest, because I think honesty is the best policy, I have a really nice truck. It's ginormous and four wheel drive and shiny. And dependable. And paid for.
But I started looking closely at it and I had to admit that my truck was pretty dirty. We spend a total of AT LEAST an hour and a half a day in my truck. My kids eat in my truck. It gets pretty gross.
I decided that I too deserved a clean truck.
Now, once in a while, I run it through the car wash and vaccuum it out. And sometimes I try to wipe everything down. But this obviously hasn't been enough.
Remember how I judged? I was paid back. Holy moly.
I have three rows of seats. The middle seats flip up and I can get underneath them. Thank the good Lord. That's all I can say. The stuff I found under those seats? Well, it's best if we don't talk about it.
The dirtiest spot was Mason's. There were crumbs and spills and stickiness and just totally and complete nastiness. And petrified fruit snacks.
But now my truck is clean clean clean. It made it drive better. And smell better.So when my financial advisor decides it's time to get a minivan, I'm all ready to sell!
It's pretty awesome.
I decided that driving such a filthy car would put me in a bad mood and Brandon deserved to have a cleaner car. Plus I didn't want to drive it in that condition so Biz and I set out to clean it up.
I judged, ya'll. I judged a lot. HOW could anyone get a car so dirty? And remember Biz and I were working together so it wasn't pretty conversation. But we got the job done.
Then Biz went car shopping. She bought a minivan. Yes she did.
Now I have said a lot of bad things about minivans, but I take them all back! I swooned. It's just so dang kid friendly. And has leather. And a DVD player. And headphones. And doors that open AND CLOSE automatically.
I envied. I am ashamed of how much I envied. I envied A LOT. I was in a bad place. A place where I was thinking how having a car payment wouldn't be so bad. I mentioned the doors, right? And the kid friendliness?
It was a bad time in my life and I am not proud.
And then I started thinking. First I thought "HOW could my own sister do this to me? How could she one up me like this? WHO does she think she is with her high falootin' minivan???" And then I kind of came to my senses.
For starters, while Biz has a very nice abode, it is certainly not her dream home. It's small. And she only has one bathroom. And I have four.
So I thought "Hmm, I bet she wishes she had one of my bathrooms. Or my tub. Ok, so maybe I don't have it so bad."
And if I am being honest, because I think honesty is the best policy, I have a really nice truck. It's ginormous and four wheel drive and shiny. And dependable. And paid for.
But I started looking closely at it and I had to admit that my truck was pretty dirty. We spend a total of AT LEAST an hour and a half a day in my truck. My kids eat in my truck. It gets pretty gross.
I decided that I too deserved a clean truck.
Now, once in a while, I run it through the car wash and vaccuum it out. And sometimes I try to wipe everything down. But this obviously hasn't been enough.
Remember how I judged? I was paid back. Holy moly.
I have three rows of seats. The middle seats flip up and I can get underneath them. Thank the good Lord. That's all I can say. The stuff I found under those seats? Well, it's best if we don't talk about it.
The dirtiest spot was Mason's. There were crumbs and spills and stickiness and just totally and complete nastiness. And petrified fruit snacks.
But now my truck is clean clean clean. It made it drive better. And smell better.
It's pretty awesome.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
{Growing Pains}
Mason's been telling knock knock jokes lately. The first time he gave me the punchline- "beenana orange glad I'm a beenana"- Well. I just lost it. Then he told it about 200 more times and I laughed just as hard. The kid cracks me up.
He's "transitioning" to the pre-school room. He is currently in the "toddler" room and as kids get close to 3, they start to visit the preschool room. His toddler teacher and I are having a hard time with it. Mason, not so much. He actually hasn't even looked back. His teacher and I have made a deal that we will continue to make him think he has to go to her room in the morning. As soon as breakfast is over, he asks to go to pre-school and stays the rest of the day. Even nap!
And transition would make you think it's a gradual process, right? Not for Mason. He would be perfectly happy to never see his toddler friends or teachers again. He tells me he is a big boy now.
Mason is precious and funny and sweet and smart. And funny.
The other morning on the way the school he said "Alright, Derek, let's get to school." We don't know a Derek. And as far as I know he does not watch any shows on tv that have a "Derek" character in them. And because we are cut out of the same cloth, I responded "Ok, Jim, let's hit it." And we both died in fits of laughter.
That's how we roll.
This is my baby back in January:
.jpg)
He's "transitioning" to the pre-school room. He is currently in the "toddler" room and as kids get close to 3, they start to visit the preschool room. His toddler teacher and I are having a hard time with it. Mason, not so much. He actually hasn't even looked back. His teacher and I have made a deal that we will continue to make him think he has to go to her room in the morning. As soon as breakfast is over, he asks to go to pre-school and stays the rest of the day. Even nap!
And transition would make you think it's a gradual process, right? Not for Mason. He would be perfectly happy to never see his toddler friends or teachers again. He tells me he is a big boy now.
Mason is precious and funny and sweet and smart. And funny.
The other morning on the way the school he said "Alright, Derek, let's get to school." We don't know a Derek. And as far as I know he does not watch any shows on tv that have a "Derek" character in them. And because we are cut out of the same cloth, I responded "Ok, Jim, let's hit it." And we both died in fits of laughter.
That's how we roll.
This is my baby back in January:
This is some big kid who was in the back of my bus last Friday:
.jpg)
Therefore it has been decided that Mason will not grow beyond the age of three.
Thank you and goodnight.
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