Wednesday, September 15, 2010

{Growing Pains}

Mason's been telling knock knock jokes lately.  The first time he gave me the punchline- "beenana orange glad I'm a beenana"- Well. I just lost it.  Then he told it about 200 more times and I laughed just as hard.  The kid cracks me up.

He's "transitioning" to the pre-school room.  He is currently in the "toddler" room and as kids get close to 3, they start to visit the preschool room.  His toddler teacher and I are having a hard time with it.  Mason, not so much.  He actually hasn't even looked back.  His teacher and I have made a deal that we will continue to make him think he has to go to her room in the morning.  As soon as breakfast is over, he asks to go to pre-school and stays the rest of the day.  Even nap!

And transition would make you think it's a gradual process, right?  Not for Mason.  He would be perfectly happy to never see his toddler friends or teachers again.  He tells me he is a big boy now.

Mason is precious and funny and sweet and smart.  And funny.

The other morning on the way the school he said "Alright, Derek, let's get to school."  We don't know a Derek.  And as far as I know he does not watch any shows on tv that have a "Derek" character in them.  And because we are cut out of the same cloth, I responded "Ok, Jim, let's hit it."  And we both died in fits of laughter.

That's how we roll.

This is my baby back in January:

This is some big kid who was in the back of my bus last Friday:

Therefore it has been decided that Mason will not grow beyond the age of three.

Thank you and goodnight. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Derek huh??? Maybe it's Derek Mason..the former Titans star and now the Baltimore Ravens...has he been watching NFL football? You never know with Mason! I know he is pumped about the WKU game Saturday ! Good luck with the "3" thing....I tried that too...twice!