Saturday, October 3, 2009

Meet Buck

Brandon hunts. It's caused minor issues, but in all honestly, I have never had a major problem with his hunting. Being a wise old married woman, I realize that it is really important for spouses to have hobbies other than one another.
I've taken on his hobby with some personal interest. I certainly understand the sport more than I did before I met Brandon. And I like venison {even though I originally just tried it to impress Brando} Brandon is a very ethical hunter and he likes the sport of it. He primarily bow hunts. Actually in the nearly 9 years I have known him, I think he's only taken a gun hunting twice. I've felt the defeat he feels each time he goes out and comes home without having gotten a deer, specifically a buck. Since we bought this farm four years ago, Brandon has cultivated the deer population. He has created "food plots" and tried very hard to manage the land so that it is a desirable habitat for deer. He has several "game cameras" set up around the property so that he knows what kind of deer are out there. Over the last two years, he has been getting pictures of several very nice bucks. Until this year, he has not considered them "shooters" because he tries to be very selective and only kill large bucks. He has wanted to let these deer grow, mature and mate.
So he decided this was their year and he's been ready for one of them since bow season opened a few weeks ago. But every time he has gone out to hunt, if he has seen them, they have been just out of range. Until tonight!
I'm so proud of him! Ellie was THRILLED. Tim's nephew Luke who is almost three is here visiting from Alabama with Meme and Jack so Luke was really excited to see the deer as well. When Brandon rode up on the four wheeler with the deer on the back, Ellie said "Look at that thing Luke! We're gonna eat him up!" Awe she makes her Daddy proud. And her Nana cringe! LOL!

1 comment:

Nana said...

Yes...cringe. But I think it's great that Brandon had success with his hobby !! I will just have to stick to veggies when I eat at your house !!