Monday, June 22, 2009

Is it really Monday?

I need a vacation! At some point this morning I actually had to check my calendar when it crossed my mind that today is Monday. And yesterday was Sunday. And I had been off for two days. Things are just all running together. By things, I mean days, life, work, home, chores, kids, laundry, cleaning... AYE! But that feeling I had this morning of not even realizing what day it was, well that was WEIRD. I just feel like I am ALWAYS here!
We don't have a vacation planned until August. Brandon has a conference in Copen.hagen, Den.mark and I am planning to go along. We are leaving the kiddos behind. I have mixed feelings. I am excited about the trip and having all that time to just be ME and BRANDON. But I know when I went to when Ellie was about Mason's age, by the end of the week, I missed her TERRIBLY. I think Biz/Tim and my parents will share the responsibility of kids care. I know the kids will have a wonderful time! And I need to start willing myself NOW to have a good time!
Ok, so I have been saying all along "I don't have a vacation planned." And now I realize I DO! YAY for me! The reason I have felt like we were not vacationing was A. We planned not to spend any money on a vacation because of building the house {the Copen.hangen trip will cost us very little so that works out well!}and B. We did not go on our annual beach trip.
I miss the beach. Seeing everyone's pics of their trips is making me pant! I am a girl who has had her feet in the sand at least annually my entire life. To be without it is tough. Maybe this afternoon I will dig my toes in the kids' sandbox. HA!

We had a nice weekend. Brandon has told me "no presents" for every occasion lately. I stuck to it this weekend as well. I tried to compensate by making a peach pie. YUM! And then on my way out of the store, I noticed cherries were in and at a pretty good price so I got some of those too. YUM again! And I made a cherry pie too. {always the over-doer!!!}
Yesterday, we went to Biz and Tim's for a late afternoon lunch of fajitas, peach pie and homemade ice cream {Thanks to Tim, homemade ice cream has become a staple at all summer gatherings!}. After lunch, we went super redneck and filled up not one, but TWO baby pools {for the kids of course}. It was so stinking hot! Tim had set the pools up in the sun and we had to end up moving them to a shadier spot. The kids had a great time splashing around and I enjoyed dipping my toes in the water.
Mason is paci free except for sleeping. {Although my pediatrician SHAMED me for even that!}He's done very well with it and after the first week, he quit asking for it until bed time. In hindsight, we should have just gone all the way. I must admit that not going all the way has been pure laziness on my part because he is actually sleeping pretty well lately. And by pretty well, I mean he only wakes 2 or so nights a week. He is spoiled because if he starts crying, we have to go in there or we will end up with two kids awake. But I have just not been willing to deal with the repercussions of A. getting him to sleep without the paci and B. KEEPING him asleep without it. I guess him sleeping all night will be yet another joy of the new house!
Well, the clock says it's time to go home. Happy Monday!

1 comment:

Desiree said...

Where is Den.Mark and Is your name Irishborn? ;)