Monday, June 8, 2009

Monday Musings

Ready for bed last night. Mason seems like such a big boy!

I'm starting to look at life in terms of what is good "blog material". As in, something will happen with the kids and I will think "Hmm, I should blog about that." However, most of the time, life gets in the way! So ya'll will get a smathering of everything I can remember!
1. I hate dinner time. Hate. It. I decided this Saturday night. Can kids really live in Easy Mac? My kids would like to! I can add in fruit for Mason and cottage cheese and cold green beans for Ellie and VOILA! I have a complete meal. But it makes me feel like an inferior mom so I try to throw in some variation now and then. Saturday night, I made {delicious} barbecue, boneless, skinless chicken thighs, broccoli cheese rice, broccoli and I cooked some corn thinking Mason would like that. So both kids left the table with barely having eaten anything! After bath and mass chaos, Brandon and I fixed our plates and Mason of course decided the rice looked better on our plates. AYE! Last night, I went with the old stand-by: fish sticks and tater tots. I did not have to say even one time: "Ellie, come on and just eat so you can get down." Or the ever popular: "Two more bites, ok???" So I pose the question: Can they live on fish sticks and tater tots or should I just continue to lose my mind at dinner time and beg them to eat?
2. Mason is pacifier free except when he sleeps. We probably should have just gone all the way and taken it away completely, but I don't remember Ellie being so attached to that thing! Everyone has been saying for months "Mason likes his paci more than Ellie did" and I argued. But now I see it. When I took her paci away at just about the same age, she went the entire weekend without ever even asking for it. She didn't even think about it until we got to school that Monday and she saw another kid with a paci.
Mason has been a different story. He has asked {in a really pitiful way most time} "My paci?" I tell him "Oh pacis are for babies, we don't need it." Ellie has been a little more wishy washy. At times she will announce "Pacis are only for sleeping!" but yesterday morning she got pretty upset when he asked for it and I told him no. She said "There are three behind his bed and he NEEDS IT!" So how do you explain tough love to an almost four year old?
All in all, Paci free living has been successful. He seems pretty satisfied to only have it when he sleeps. Although last night after bath he really really wanted it and got pretty upset and finally said "I get in bed!" Poor guy.
3. We have a new baby. I guess being a relative newcomer to farm life, new babies just never get old. Even the birth of a cow is really fascinating and miraculous!
Ollie and his mama Tellulah {yes we name all our cows}
4. I did some sewing this weekend. I have so many projects that I want to do for the kids and I just never seem to find time. I really didn't have time yesterday either, but I neglected some other things and decided to take some time to do something I like! I made two cute shirts for the kids and I am hoping to make some more this week!
5. I went swimming yesterday. OY VE! I have been frequenting the YMCA in Scottsvegas to get some physical fitness in my life. I do kickboxing on Tuesdays and I {try to} go do the treadmill and weight machines a couple more times each week. So yesterday I decided to try swimming laps in the indoor pool. Now I am a good swimmer. I love to swim. My mom still thinks I should have joined the Barracudas swim team when I was about 14. All of that is to say OH. MY. GOODNESS. I am so out of shape. One lap had me huffing and puffing. Maybe I tried that first lap at a pace that was a bit too eager?
Tim went with me and he has been at the fitness swimming thing for a while. He does 32 laps. HELLO? I probably got in 15-16 laps. I tried to just keep moving. When I got out of the pool, my legs were like jello!
I do think the kids and I will got to the outdoor pool {they call it a water park, I'm not on board with that}. They have a little slide and a "beach" {concrete beach if that makes sense}. Both kids will love it and maybe I can get some sun.
6. I found my fourth four leaf clover yesterday afternoon. Now I must tell you, four leaf clovers are not the kind of thing you can look for and find. It is really luck because every time I have found one, I just look down and there it is. I found my first one the week before Brandon and I got married. Then I found TWO while I was pregnant with Ellie. I don't feel like there is anything significant that finding this clover represents. Maybe I just needed a little general good luck. I picked it before I thought to take a picture, but I actually had my camera in my hand because I had just taken the pics of Ollie.
7. For those who do not know, our house sits about 1/4 mile off of a gravel road. Traffic is not a concern. A lot of times, I will let the kids play in the front yard while I am inside doing something. {MOM- rest assured I do check on them frequently} Ellie serves as the alarm because she knocks on the door every 2minutes to ask me something or tell me something, etc. Saturday afternoon, they were playing outside and I had literally JUST come inside when Ellie started fervently knocking, actually, hammering on the door. This was the scene when I started towards to door:
Yes, that is Mason. He was at the top of the gate yelling "COW!" Pray that while he will be fearless, he will have at least a little common sense to go with it!


Anonymous said... child the "blogger"! I find your "writings" very entertaining and informative, as I have expressed before. It is a very good way for a "Nana" to keep up with the details of you and the babies !! I know this will come as a bit of a surprise to you...Mama's like to know what's goin' on with their matter what age. So keep on bloggin' !! As for your smathering points...I think Mac and Cheese is fine with a few other nutritional treats added like fish sticks, green beans, and tater tots. Who ever said a 4 year old and a 19 month old were supposed to like adult food? You certainly did not !! And you turned out just fine so I say make sure they get 3 meals a day with plenty of good snacks and drinks...don't worry.
The paci...poor baby. Some day he will realize the benefit of not having a paci !! You should have been a Barracuda !! You are a beautiful, graceful swimmer and I am very proud of you for taking it up again !! Maybe you can give me and OJ some pointers :) Gramdma and Grandy would be so so proud of the picture of you and Ollie and Telluah! The four leaf clover is an encouraging sign from God. Otherwise he would not have created them! He has a way of doing that you know! As far as Mason on the fence...just a sign of what is to come with that little stinker!! As Mary Barwick used to your energy darlin' !

Desiree said...

Mason looks like such a BIG BOY!! Oh my WORD!!!

I say feed them what they'll eat, otherwise everything else is just a waste. If A had his way, he'd eat, "Umm..nuffink..." every night. I ask him what he wants and that's his reply. Oy vei indeed. And I had to smile at Ellie still having such a fondness for green beans!!!!