Friday, March 26, 2010

{Post Script}

Obviously, I learned NOTHING from the Friends episode when Monica said to Pheobe "Say things quietly in your head before you say them out loud".

I posted a little too quickly yesterday and I thought about it and I don't think I gave you all of the information about my babies.

My kid are awesome.  They bicker and argue.  But seriously, it isn't constant.  It has become an everyday occurance and I know this is just the beginning.  But...BUT they also love each other very much.  They spent nearly an hour playing hide-and-go-seek last night.  They always greet one another with a hug and kiss in the morning and they always kiss and hug goodnight.

So there.  That's taken care of.  The sibling thing has begun and it drives me crazy, but there are also a lot of times when I know they adore one another.  Even though when we told Ellie that Mason was going to spend the night at Nana and Poppop's tonight her first reaction was "OH GOOD!  I can play in my room and he won't bother me!"  Just keepin' it real, folks!

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