Tuesday, March 16, 2010

{Tuesday Ramblings}

Ok, first things first...Brandon says I hurt his feelings with my last post.  It was not personal.  It's hard for him to understand because he has only ever really lived one way.  He lived in "town" during college and for a few years when he moved to KY, but that doesn't really count because he didn't have kids.  I am the one who has lived both ways.  And as I said (or hope I said) the other day:  There are so many things I love about living on a farm. There are so many things that my kids will get to experience that I never did.  But every now and then, the hassle of being so far out just gets to me.

Now on to my kids...Mason is potty training.  I must tell you that potty training has been the single most scary thing about parenting.  No, I am not kidding.  I really think I can deal with sneaking out and dating bad boys.  I've already dealt with temper tantrums and biting.  HOW do you teach someone to pee on the potty???  I was lucky with Ellie.  She did it easily.

And now with Mason...LUCKY AGAIN!  He has done so well.  He is wearing underwear all day now and only a diaper at night.  And leave it to Mason to be an overachiever...he came in our room about 7 times the other night/ morning and then he finally told us that he had peed and wanted to be changed.  It was not a good night.

As a general rule, since having kids I do not even have a beer or glass of wine in the evenings.  We rarely have an entire week when both of my kids sleep all night every night.  If I have had something to drink, that middle of the night stupor is just no fun with a buzz.  But, I felt a sore throat coming on and I had been feeling really really bad.  So I took Nyquil.  LORD HELP ME.  It would have been better to drink a 6 pack and then be woken up than to be disturbed from the glorious slumber that Nyquil provides.

It was a bad night.  So last night, I explained to Mason that it is ok to pee in your diaper when you are sleeping.  Let's hope he agrees.

Say a little prayer for me on Thursday.  Mason has to have allergy testing.  Poor little guy is, at times, on 4 or 5 different medications to control his allergies and the symptoms they cause.  And even with all that, he almost always has a runny nose.  Plus, his ENT is possibly going to put his ear tubes back in.  (We go there in two weeks)  His pediatrician feels like zyrtec alone should be enough to control his allergies so he wants us to get the testing.  He has been talking about it for about a year and I have ignored him but this time he called and made the appointment and really didn't give me a choice so we are going.

But do you know what allergy testing involves???  I had it when I was 9 or so.  You have to sit still and they make about 9 million little scratches on your back and then put things in the scratches like cat dander and dust to see if you are allergic to those things.  They also write on your back.  Sounds fun, huh?  Oh and Brandon will be out of town.  His loss.  I get ALL the fun stuff.

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