Thursday, September 2, 2010

{A List}

1. My patience and tolerance is at a major LOW.  I have no time for silliness, foolery or anything that gets in my way.  I was so NOT in the mood for road work this morning.

Yes, road work.  My roads are just one step above gravel.  Why the need to work on them at 7:20 am?

No fewer than 43 people tried to pull out in front of me this morning. What?  You think it was 2?  Ok, maybe it was 2.

And then I got irritated by the woman who I see walking every morning.  She irritates me because she doesn't move her arms when she walks.

And you know what else is tremendously irritating to me?  The fact that Eminem is making a comeback.  What is up with that?

Obviously my irritation is warranted.

2.  Mason is obsessed with Corvettes.  I showed him a yellow Corvette one day to try to distract his attention from asking me for a "chocolate cookie", which he asks for all. the. time.  (We don't even have chocolate cookies in our house.  Cross my heart.  I have no clue where he got this.)

So I say "WOW!  See that yellow car?  That's a Corvette."  

Now Mason sees Corvettes everywhere.  Only they aren't Corvettes.  And they may or may not be yellow.

And really, I don't care.  I just say "Oh wow, that's cool."  Ellie, on the other hand, has no time for looking at cars that are billed as Corvettes, but turn out to be Hondas.  No time at all. Disappointment sets in because evidently my kids are really into Corvettes.

Her disappointment turns into an all out screaming match that "NO THAT IS NOT A CORVETTE!  MASON YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT!"  She's Stickler, Jr., she is.

3.  My kids battle constantly.  Con. Stant. Ly.  Ellie doesn't get enough play time to suit her needs.  She retreats to her room to play "baby" or "daycare" or "school" as soon as we hit the door in the afternoon.  IF Mason follows her rules, she will let him play.  IF he won't follow the rules, she will waylay him.

I hear you.  You're saying, "Awe, poor Mason."  Don't be fooled.  Mason antagonizes.  She says "Put that down" and he says "Come make me."  So she does.  Then he cries.  Then I comfort him.  Then he goes back for more.  I'm at a loss.

4.  I have an inability to get organized.  What?  The? Heck?  Seriously, ya'll.  Why can't I get it together.  I feel like I am always chasing my tail.

And I just realized last week that I really have no excuse.  There is no house building.  Brandon hasn't been traveling for a few weeks.  My social calendar is pretty empty.  But I cannot get it together!

I have narrowed it down to a few possible causes:  1.  My three roommates who always want meals and don't do their own laundry.  Or pick up after themselves.  2.  The lack of a live-in housekeeper (Or even JACKIE.  If anyone sees Jackie, tell her I want to get back together!)  3.  My full-time job that takes up like 40 hours of prime time during my week.

5.  I realized two days ago that next week is Labor Day.

And I did a happy dance.

Then I realized that the forecast is calling for a HIGH of 77 degrees and I said Howalooya and Amen!


Unknown said...

Today I found an email that was tucked my Bible. I don't remember getting it...or copying it. The title is HANDBOOK 2010. It is a list of very good "tips" for living. It is broken down in to Health, Personality, Society,and Life. I guess this is to help organize the reader. Tip 1 under Health...Drink plenty of water...Tip 2... Sit in silence for 10 minutes each day...Personality...Tip 1... Don't over do. Keep your limits... Tip 2 Dream more while you are awake...Tip 3 Smile and laugh more...Society...Tip 1 Each day give something good to others...Tip 2... What others think of you is none of your business...I think you get the drift of this particular collection of "Tips for Living". I read it and instantly felt better. Sometimes we just have to be reminded that "road construction" is there just to slow us down and remind us just how wonderful life really is! I will see to it that you have a complete and unabridged copy of HANDBOOK 2010. In the meantime, Jeffer...just breathe !!

Laura said...

Loved your list and I can totally relate! I, too, am SO ready for a cooler Labor Day weekend!

Anonymous said...

You're too funny. We have very similar personalities, I think.

Jennifer said...

Holly, we do have similar personalities. Your blog also makes me laugh A LOT. And sometimes cry! I love it.