Sadly, the weekend is over. We did have a pretty good weekend. Brandon was off to Brazil yesterday and he called today to say he'd arrived and all is well. I asked if all the women look like Charo and he said thankfully, they do not. He did say he'd seen a few dressed like her???? But that was about it. And I just googled Charo and she's from Spain so I guess that's why the women in Brazil don't look like her.

My mom came yesterday afternoon to spend the night with me and the kiddies. She brought all the fixin's for Ann's homemade veggie soup and homeade chicken noodle soup. She played with the kids and straightened their room while I made dinner and then our little hunter, Biz, came over and joined us for dinner. Biz killed her first deer last weekend, a doe. She said she took this pic to be corny, but I don't completely believe that!

So now she is also on the hunt for the big one. But her luck ran out today as gun season is OVER. Now all the bow hunters can get back to business if there are any deer left.
This morning, I got to sleep late and then mom took the kids to Gallatin and I stayed and CLEANED my house. It seems I just cannot keep my bathroom clean enough. I JUST cleaned it on Thursday and it needed a good scrubbing again. Brandon and I had not ever shared a bathroom until we moved into this house so I lay all blame for the filthy bathroom on him. But it's clean now. All the sheets are changed, floors are clean (until Mason ate dinner tonight) things are dusted and organized and we are ready for the week. I am really thankful for mom's help. It will make a big difference in our week that I was able to get everything in order today and hopefully I can maintain it this week. I already have both kid's cups filled and in the fridge so there is one less thing to do in the morning!
I picked the kids up this afternoon and we headed home in time for dinner and bath and bed. Mom suggested I get the pack and play back out for Mason. She said she's never seen such a busy kid. It's true. Brandon's first order of business when he gets home is going to be cabinet locks in the kitchen. In 2.2 seconds tonight Mason made his way to the cabinet under the sink and pulled out some cleaning product and had it on it's way to his mouth right as I snatched it away. If I tell him "NO!" He thinks it's the funniest thing he's ever heard. Whew he is keeping us on our toes!
I think both kids are headed BACK to the dr tomorrow. Mason has his one year check-up anyway, but he still has a cough and bad congestion. Ellie is still congested too and last night she started SCREAMING when I put her ear drops in. Same thing tonight and it is more than just MUD(made up drama) which Ellie is SOOO good at. It seemed like real pain so I think we need to get things checked out.
Ellie drew a picture at my parent's today and when mom asked her what it was she said "It's Mary." Mom said "Oh, Mary your friend at school?" Ellie said "NO! Mary who is in the sky with God." That kid cracks me up! Just out of the blue she draws Mary Mother of Jesus. I am ashamed to say how long it has been since we have been to church. Where does she come up with this stuff??? It's probably God talking to me. Perhaps coming to me directly isn't working so now he's using Ellie? OK. I get it. We'll be at church Sunday! Actually, while I was cleaning today, I opened some mail (very old mail) and one of the things I opened was about Baby Celebration Sunday which is next week at church. It's a time to recognize all the babies who have been born in the last year or so. They have never had the Baby Celebration at the Greenwood campus so they said all babies under 2 will be recognized. I decided we'd go. Hmm...perhaps God is trying to get me a message. I hear it LOUD AND CLEAR and I will be there. (I hope God reads my blog)
I still haven't had any sewing time. I may just have to take off work and take the kids to school to have some time. I have so many things I want to make for them so hopefully I can work it in a little at a time.
Oh and for all the love I had for fall, I am dreading winter. I hate cold dreary days. Does anyone like those??? Hopefully we'll have some sunshine this week!
FYI, Gun season isn't over until November 23. And it opens in Alabama Nov. 22, so my fun is not over yet.
Redneck woman. Hell yeah!
Sorry Ellie's ears aren't getting much better, and I'm sorry I wasn't around much today! Hopefully tomorrow will be better!!
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