June 2009
July 2008
I am always finding myself thinking "what was life like a year ago?" Yesterday afternoon we made a quick trip over to Biz's and that very thought crossed my mind. I looked in the backseat and Mason was laid back and enjoying the ride. So how were things one year ago?.....
Mason was still rear-facing in his carseat. He has always been the best car rider. {Much better than his sister} He pretty much never made a peep. Out of the car, he has always been on the go. A year ago, he was climbing onto the coffee table and into pretty much everything.
This year, so much has changed, but so much has stayed the same. Mason is still a real sweetie. He rarely has emotional breakdowns. {Although this weekend the
So there's my Flashback Monday.
Ice Age is off the list of movies Ellie is allowed to watch! Why? you ask. I'll tell you: Last night the movie was on tv so me and the kids were sitting there watching. I won't bore you with the entire story of the movie, but at the beginning of the movie, a Mama is in a river with her baby. She gives her baby to the Woolly Mammoth and a Sloth {I know very realistic!} and then when the camera goes back to her, she is gone. It's a bit mysterious what happens but you assume she is swept down the river. The question is "Did she live or die???" Ok, this became a HUGE question in our house! So I am sitting there watching and this part comes on and Ellie turns around to me with H U G E tears and BAWLS "That baby is going to miss her MAMA!!!!" Oh. My. Goodness. So of course I start crying! And I have never seen the stupid movie so I have no idea how it turns out but I am all "Doesn't he find his Mama at the end???" Ellie:"NOOOOO!"
Me: Daddy we need to ask you a question. Ellie is very upset about Ice Age. What happens to the baby?
Brandon: {obviously thinking that being reunited with the kid's dad is a GOOD thing} They take him to his Daddy.
So he looks out of the shower and then he and I together start piecing together a story that perhaps the mom is there too but they don't show her??? Then Brandon kinda backtracks and is all "but isn't the Daddy good enough???" Lord dear this isn't your ego!
Ellie did recover with only a brief relapse into tears when she thought about it again later last night. It made me So. sad! {I really don't even want to go into the thoughts it provoked for me} So that movie is off the list!
We had a wonderful weekend. The movie with Biz went pretty much as I would have expected and I think she said about 15 minutes before the movie was {finally} over, Ellie started begging "Can we please just go???" I'm glad Biz is smarter than me. The good part for her is that she can practice all this stuff on my kids and know how it will turn out so that she can be the perfect parent. {Tee hee}.
Brandon had a date Friday night since we were sans kiddos. I got a message from Biz while at dinner {sushi} to call her when we were on our way home. Hmm??? So I call and she reports that Ellie has thrown up on her couch. AYE DE MI! Ellie seems to be fine but Biz wanted to know what I thought and should she stay. We decided she could stay and she was fine for the rest of the night. Biz's couch fared pretty well after a call to Nana for some cleaning advice. Good. Times. So Biz gave Ellie her first experience with a movie in a theater and her first experience puking on a couch. THANKS BIZ!
Saturday we went to my Uncle's for the annual July 4th Spectacular {AKA Chebby Fest}. We had a great time even though the weather did not cooperate. Yesterday we didn't do much of anything. Mason has been an uncooperative kid and isn't sleeping well. I took him to the dr this morning to have his ears checked and it seems everything is fine. Hopefully it's just a temporary thing. Hopefully!
Brandon got some more work done on the house yesterday. I think all that is left for electric is to make all the switches and wire all of the lights downstairs {which cannot be done until the ceiling is started}. I am still hoping for siding this week. I will try to take some new pics. Not much has changed aesthetically so there isn't much to see. But I'll take some!
1 comment:
I don't know how to cross out the words on my blog and many, many times I'd like to ala Perez Hilton. Teach me, Oh Wise One.
Glad you had a good weekend!! I can't believe how big and grown up the kids are getting :( I miss you.
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